Sunday, June 19, 2011

Detroit Home of Black Supremacist, Reparations Hustler Cong. John Conyers and His Imprisoned, Violent Wife, Former City Council President, Monica

“You’d Better Get My Loot” Conyers, is an Eyesore

By MyFoxDetroit and other news services, supplemented by WEJB/NSU

John and Monica Conyers, September, 2005.

“The Conyers’ grown son, who answered the door in his underwear, lied about the wheat-high grass being mown weekly, and threatened Fox Detroit reporter Charlie LeDuff with arrest for trespassing, even though LeDuff had merely knocked on Conyers’ parents’ door, which is not trespassing in any law book I know of. But he’s the son of drunken, brawling, cussing, Monica, so what do you expect? Ya gotta represent.

(He is also, to my knowledge, the Congressman’s son, but clearly does not take after him.)

Clarification: I don’t blame young Conyers for lounging around the house in his drawers, assuming he wasn’t entertaining, but I do blame him for answering the door in that state of undress. That’s one violation of good manners that I can’t see his elegant father, for all of his faults, committing.
Rebecca Mews alleged that on December 22, 2005, Monica Conyers came on to her date in a bar, and when Mews complained, Conyers slugged Mews. Conyers had more friends in the bar, so she won the court case.

Monica Conyers vs. Robert’s Rules of Order


[Thanks to Detroit Free Press.]

Correction (of Fox, not me): Some fact-checking determined that, unless there was some early time in the legal process in which Cong. Conyers paid for his wife’s legal representation, did not in fact foot the legal bill for his convict-wife. Writes the super-prolific “Anonymous” at Wrote The Daily Caller’s Mike Riggs on March 16, 2010:

Monica Conyers, wife of Rep. John Conyers Jr., will be teamed with “a tax-funded public defender to help her appeal the three-year sentence she received last week for bribery conspiracy,” after a Detroit judge found she was “indigent”:

The former Detroit City Council president and wife of U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr., D-Detroit, needs public assistance in her effort to overturn a deal she made to avoid trial on federal charges related to allegations of city contractor bribes.

The fact that her husband was paid more than $170,000 last year isn’t a consideration when calculating her ability to pay a lawyer. Federal law requires the determination of a defendant’s ability to hire a lawyer to be made without regard for the financial ability of the family.

“The information available to the judge established an inability to pay for an attorney by Mrs. Conyers,” said a statement issued today by the court’s media information officer, Rod Hansen. “This information included a detailed description of her financial resources in the presentence investigation report. And that Mrs. Conyers was on her own, so to speak, as to such resources. Further inquiry was not appropriate and would have intruded on private matters.”

However, the criteria outlined in the law also include consideration of the immediate willingness of a defendant’s family or spouse to retain counsel.

The congressman’s spokeswoman in Washington, Nichole Triplette, did not immediately answer why Conyers apparently hasn’t expressed willingness to fund his wife’s legal defense.

In March, 2010, Monica Conyers was sentenced to three years and one month in federal prison for accepting bribes as part of a massive conspiracy from Synagro, which had $170 million worth of contracts with the city. She has insisted that wiretaps of her saying things to associates like, “You’d better get my loot,” took her words out of context.

Over at Marathon Pundit, John Ruberry noted, regarding Monica Conyers’ conviction and sentence,
The longtime Detroit congressman has not been implicated in his wife's crimes, but I find it odd that the national media has not picked up on this story. After all, federal penitentiaries are under the purview of Conyers' committee.

Does this make Rep. Conyers his wife's landlord?

See also my report on Cong. John Conyers, “Racist Congressman Says, ‘White Boys Go to Jail, and Black Men Get Out of Jail Free.’”

Thanks to reader-researcher, RC.

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