Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Will be on The Political Cesspool Tonight at 9 P.M., EST


by Nicholas Stix

Is making a dopey but harmless video about obnoxious Asian students’ habit of carrying on loud cell phone conversations in the college library a death penalty offense? It is if the prosecutors are the legions of the “tolerant,” and the offender is a comely white coed who resembles and sounds like a young Heather Locklear. Listen as host James Edwards and I sort through the hypocrisy, racism, and Rule 5 Draft significance of this case.

Host James Edwards and I will be discussing the case of Alexandra Wallace, the white UCLA coed, to whose harmless video complaining about Asian students’ obnoxious habit of talking loudly on their cell phones in the school library some (presumably Asian) people responded with death threats, her own school administration responded with condemnation, and the national media responded with a “two-minute hate.” Meanwhile, the armies of defenders of the First Amendment rights of flag burners, mosque builders, Moslem terrorists, and genocidal black supremacists all suddenly forgot about Miss Wallace’s First Amendment rights.

I will put the Alexandra Wallace case in the context of MSM and college administrations which promote every race hoax to come down the pike, while suppressing knowledge of the constant black-on-white violence plaguing campuses and non-campus life alike, and the refusal of the same national media which manufacture “racist” white scandals to report on racist atrocities such as the Knoxville Horror and the Pearcy Massacre (here and here).


  1. Not quite in the same league as Knoxville but check this story out:
