Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Black Supremacists Win; American Renaissance Conference is Cancelled ... Again


I just got the following e-mail from American Renaissance editor-publisher Jared Taylor.

Dear Conference Registrant,

I am very sorry to inform you that the AR conference scheduled for February 4 through 6 must be canceled. Despite strong assurances that it would not submit to pressure, the hotel with which we had initially contracted has broken its contract with us. We have investigated many possible alternative venues but have not been able to find one.

There is evidence that at least one elected Charlotte official was working behind the scenes to deny us a venue, and our legal counsel is looking into grounds for action against the city.

We are deeply sorry for the great inconvenience this causes you, and I apologize to you personally. As the head of the publication that organized this conference, the fault is entirely mine....

1 comment:

  1. We don't need a conference as much as we need a large public demonstration.
    In a city like NY or DC
