Sunday, January 02, 2011

Same-Sex Marriage Activists Have Launched a Religious War

By Nicholas Stix

March 16, 2004
A Different Drummer, Men’s News Daily, and all over the ‘Net.

Seeing Rosie O’Donnell condemn President George W. Bush just after she “married” her girlfriend, Kelli Carpenter, was bizarre in a tiresome sort of way. O’Donnell claimed, “We were inspired to come here by the sitting president and the vile and vicious and hateful comments he made.”

If O’Donnell had any sense of humor or irony, she would look at herself in the mirror and say, “Gee, for such a tolerant, open-minded person, I sure do condemn and vituperate an awful lot, especially on what should have been the happiest day of my life.”

Maybe I’m some sort of pervert, but I don’t recall bearing anyone in the world any ill will on my wedding day, much less having decided to get married, just to spite someone.

O’Donnell is in the habit of changing her rationalizations for her “wedding,” at a moment’s notice. First, it was a reaction to her inability, during her lawsuit last fall against Gruner & Jahr/Bertelsmann, the publisher of her defunct magazine, to use “spousal privilege” to keep her girlfriend from being called to testify. Her “marriage” couldn’t be a desperate attempt at publicity for her forthcoming book, considering the tens of millions of dollars she lost, due to her failed TV talk show, her failed magazine, and the bomb of a Broadway musical she produced about gay pop star, Boy George, could it?

But I’m less concerned with O’Donnell’s opportunism, than I am with her vileness, her viciousness, her hatefulness. I have my policy differences with President Bush, but I do not question his compassion or tolerance, which are inseparable from his Christian faith.

But if you disagree with Rosie O’Donnell, you’re a “hater,” pure and simple. I’m focusing on O’Donnell, because I think she exemplifies the gay movement. Like New Yorkers, gay activists are the most compassionate, tolerant people on earth – just ask them, they’ll tell you. But disagree with any of their demands, and they’ll yell things at you that would make a guest on The Jerry Springer Show blush. (The first time I tried to see the movie Basic Instinct, in early 1993, I think it was, gay vandals shut down the theater with stink bombs, to “protest” that the serial killer was bisexual. Not that they would admit that it was they who had done the deed. As a heterosexual couple walked away from the theater at Manhattan’s Union Square, a lesbian vandal yelled at the woman, “Go home and fake some orgasms!”)

And the thing gay activists hate more than anything else, is Christianity.

Now, I could get arrested for saying this in New York, but the gay campaign for same-sex marriage is a war on Christianity. And while I’m apparently not permitted to say the following anywhere in America, America is a Christian nation … and you don’t have to be a Christian to recognize this. (I’m a Jew.)

It was the unique mixture of political freedom and Christianity that produced in America the most religious nation in the West, and the freest, most religiously tolerant nation on Earth. (Some commentators speak of attacks on “Judaeo-Christian ethics,” but I have to confess ignorance of any “Judaeo-Christian” religion.)

Secularists insist that the “constitutional wall of separation of Church and state” forbids discussing religious issues in political debates. To which I say: Show me where it says that in the Constitution.

The notion of a “constitutional” wall of separation of Church and state derives from a personal position Thomas Jefferson took in a letter to an acquaintance 200 years ago. But secularists like it, and so they have projected it onto the Constitution. Better similes, more in tune with the Constitution, would be of a “balance” or even a “dance.” Besides, secularists aren’t even true to Jefferson; they seek not the separation of religion from government, but the burying of religion, as one would bury radioactive waste. In any event, the First Amendment does not suggest a wall:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The part before the first comma is known as the “Establishment Clause”; the part immediately following it, is known as the “Free Exercise Clause.” Together, they balance each other. Gays and other radical secularists seek to nullify the Free Exercise Clause, and replace the religious assumptions of the Establishment Clause with anti-religious ones. And so, instead of the government not giving preference to any particular denomination, secularists and gay activists demand that government be hostile towards, and use its coercive power against religion, excepting, that is, Islam.

Gay activists deny that if they succeed in imposing same-sex marriage on America, that they will seek to force it on religious institutions. To anyone who believes them, I say, I have a great deal for you on a slightly used bridge. For years, homosexual activists denied that they sought same-sex marriage, right up until the moment, last June 26, that the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Texas sodomy law.

I predict that if gay marriage becomes the law of the land, religious freedom will be a dead letter. Gays will use the same carte blanche interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment they have used in demanding same-sex marriage, in which “equality” somehow always requires that they be “more equal” than others, to demand that churches and synagogues be forced by the state to perform same-sex marriages (or lose their tax-exempt status, be sued, their clergymen arrested, and/or houses of worship shut down by government officials), that devout Christians be forced to rent apartments to gay couples, and that Christian organizations be forced to hire openly homosexual applicants.

And once they have gotten enough gay “hate crime” and “anti-discrimination” laws passed at the state and federal level, gay activists will have people prosecuted, merely for disagreeing with them. That’ll take care of freedom of speech.

Why are gay activists so intent on forcing Christianity to submit to them? Because Christianity is foundational to America, and they want to replace America’s foundations with those of their own choosing. And because Christianity condemns sodomy, and gay activists will not abide being told, “No.” Theirs is a totalitarian will. They will have their way, even if it means having The Bible censored, and remaking God in their own image.


    ALL of America’s best experts on family, mental health and children agree that America would benefit if same-sex couples could have civil marriage.
    The National Library of Medicine scientific research publications all confirm that sexual orientation is natural, biologically induced in the first trimester of pregnancy, morally neutral, immutable, neither contagious nor learned, bearing no relation to an individual’s ability to form deep and lasting relationships, to parent children, to work or to contribute to society.
    Sexual orientation is similar to left-handedness: biological, unchangeable, innocent. We used to think left-handed was evil (Latin for left is “sinister”), and force lefties to use only their right hand, even though they never really changed. Research reveals variable hormonal levels in pregnancy permanently affect a child’s neural circuitry for sexual orientation and gender identity: a little more testosterone in fetal girls’ brains from an adrenal condition can cause <50% to be lesbian, 10% to be transgender. Sharing the womb with a boy co-twin (amniotic fluid has some of his testosterone) causes <15% of girl co-twins to be lesbian. These girls also have the bone structure and physical coordination of boys, so they are good in sports, thus the stereotype.

    Less testosterone for boys' brains from mother's blocking antibody from having many older brothers causes <15% of boys to be gay. These boys can have the physiology/verbal skills like girls, and excel in language and visual arts, thus the stereotype. All innocent.

  2. From the American Psychological Association: homosexuality is normal; homosexual relationships are normal.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association and American Psychiatric Association have endorsed civil marriage for same-sex couples because marriage strengthens mental and physical health and longevity of couples, and provides greater legal and financial security for children, parents and seniors.

    The American Anthropological Association confirms that keeping marriage for heterosexuals only is detrimental to our culture and heritage, and not essential for the preservation of our societal order.

    America’s premier child/mental health associations endorse marriage equality. There is no further reason to discriminate, except ignorance or bigotry. SO WHY WOULD ANYONE FIGHT THIS??????

    Think of what you would want for yourself or your your family. Why would anyone take a stand that goes against the policies of America's child, family and mental health experts?

    Think of what you would want for yourself or your family.

  3. References for the above are listed here. Please visit these websites to confirm that America's best experts endorse marriage equality.

    American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists

    American Psychiatric Association

    American Psychological Association

    American Academy of Pediatrics

    National Association of Social Workers

    American Anthropological Association

    Child Welfare League of America

    North American Council on Adoptable Children

    American Psychoanalytic Association

  4. Do a search: The First Scandal Adam and Eve.

  5. It may not be altogether false to say that America is a "Christian nation" but then, so is Zimbabwe and so is East Timor. On the other hand, modern Europe is secular and largely atheist. Does America have less in common with modern Europe than with the many non-Western nations that are Christian?

    And if America is a Christian nation, are atheist Americans less "American" than their Christian relatives?

    No less than a Christian nation, America is also a Western nation. And one of the modern trends in Western thought, which has uniquely Western origins, is Enlightenment secularism. This includes the belief that human reason can and should be used to improve society and eliminate injustices. Perhaps the gay rights movement is following this other, uniquely Western, therefore legitimately American tradition.

    When right-wing bullies and assorted self-styled Defenders of the Faith make it a habit to portray dissent as treason, they are practicing their own version of Political Correctness. None of the above implies a particular stance on "same-sex marriage", or don't-ask-don't-tell. But less shrillness and less name-calling when discussing such matters would be most welcome.

  6. Well, there you have it. Choose you this day. Either the Bible or the Amer. Psych. Assoc.

    The same argument could be and is used for alcoholicism as genetically based.

    Problem is we are all genetically inclined to sin. Thus the doctrine of original sin or total depravity/ non posse non peccare - not possible not to sin.
    Or if you will, "In Adam's fall, we sinned all" from the New England Primer.

    But of course, sexual perversion, never mind promiscuity is no sin. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing. And guilt of course, is but a figment of a repressed imagination.

    Either that or we must resort to Clockwork Orange techniques to cure "deviant" behavior. (Oh, right. I get it now. That's for those who oppose the legitimization of sexual promiscuity and perversion.)

    America's roots and law, contra E Timor or Zimbawe are based on the English common law tradition of W. Christendom along with the influence of the Enlightenment and the Protestant Reformation. If the first was the secular reaction to the Roman church, the second was the Biblical.

    Regardless, if the family is the fundamental building block of society, the first school,economy,church or government and it goes gunny bag there, likewise the teacher, employer, minister, policeman and judge is going to be playing catch up all their live long days.

    But not in the modern brave new world of unisex artificial inseminated pro-choice LGBT civil unions.
    Everybody can do what they want as long as it doesn't include intolerance of absolute toleration of everything and anything.
    Oh happy day.

    1. Homosexuality is not the same as promiscuity:

    2. "The part before the first comma is known as the “Establishment Clause”; the part immediately following it, is known as the “Free Exercise Clause.” Together, they balance each other. Gays and other radical secularists seek to nullify the Free Exercise Clause, and replace the religious assumptions of the Establishment Clause with anti-religious ones. And so, instead of the government not giving preference to any particular denomination, secularists and gay activists demand that government be hostile towards, and use its coercive power against religion, excepting, that is, Islam."

      But you are saying that by banning gay marriage you are promoting religious values onto others...this is giving preference you hypocrite.

      "predict that if gay marriage becomes the law of the land, religious freedom will be a dead letter. Gays will use the same carte blanche interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment they have used in demanding same-sex marriage, in which “equality” somehow always requires that they be “more equal” than others, to demand that churches and synagogues be forced by the state to perform same-sex marriages (or lose their tax-exempt status, be sued, their clergymen arrested, and/or houses of worship shut down by government officials), that devout Christians be forced to rent apartments to gay couples, and that Christian organizations be forced to hire openly homosexual applicants."

      This never happened:

      "The notion of a “constitutional” wall of separation of Church and state derives from a personal position Thomas Jefferson took in a letter to an acquaintance 200 years ago. But secularists like it, and so they have projected it onto the Constitution. Better similes, more in tune with the Constitution, would be of a “balance” or even a “dance.” Besides, secularists aren’t even true to Jefferson; they seek not the separation of religion from government, but the burying of religion, as one would bury radioactive waste."

      You mean the law cannot promote religions values? That is the issue here. Letting gays marry won't affect religious institutions. If anything, religious institutions by your logic need to have the law express their values, which is bs.

      Also you are wrong about the wall:

      "For years, homosexual activists denied that they sought same-sex marriage, right up until the moment, last June 26, that the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Texas sodomy law."

      Please give evidence to this effect.

      It's been around since the 70s

      You think that by making civil marriage for gays legal it forces it onto the public?

      Likewise only public accommodations are under anti-discrimination laws. Not religious institutions:

      "Because Christianity is foundational to America, and they want to replace America’s foundations with those of their own choosing. "

      The government makes sure people can believe what they want by not enshrining religion into law.

      "And because Christianity condemns sodomy, and gay activists will not abide being told, “No.” "

      Who cares about free association in a private home yes?
