Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tolstoy Schoeman, R.I.P.: South African Genocide Continues Apace

Farmer strangled, wife beaten and robbed
By Sarah Maid of Albion
Saturday, 18 December 2010


A badly beaten Mrs. Schoeman in Hospital.

An elderly South African farmer, 86 year old Tolstoy Schoeman was beaten and strangled to death by intruders at his farm near Badplass in Mpumalanga, shortly after midnight on Thursday.

The killers, who were armed with a panga and a knife, then severely beat Mr. Schoeman's 65-year-old wife, Güdryn, before driving her to an ATM about 5 km outside of town, where they forced her to withdraw cash. The killers then rolled the car and fled.

The amount of blood at the scene showed that the victim put up quite a fight before he was overpowered, tied up, and strangled with his track suit pants.

Tolstoy Schoeman had farmed in the area for 46 years and had helped in building up the local town. His traumatised widow remains in hospital.

News report

Mr. Schoeman's death brings the total number of South African farmers and their families murdered since the end of Apartheid to at least 3,132, although some believe the number is as high as 3,700. Although the actual figures are covered up by the South African police and a controlled international media, it is widely estimated that the total number of South African whites murdered since 1994 is in excess of 35,000.

Thanks to Mulder and Heather for this information

* * *

Sarah Maid of Albion has for several years now done yeoman’s work in informing the world about the ongoing genocide being committed by South African blacks against the nation’s whites. She does this without getting paid by any “journalism” or humanitarian organization, while the staffers at such organizations have done their best variously to suppress information about this holocaust, or to lie about, and thereby diminish it.

A tip ‘o the heavy heart to Ronbo over at The Freedom Fighter’s Journal

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