Monday, December 20, 2010

Here Today, Gone Today!

By Nicholas Stix
New York Diary, The South Bronx, May 19, 1992 (during the crack wars).

A Different Drummer magazine, spring 1993, p. 29.
Updated at 12:16 a.m., on Wednesday, December 22, 2010.

Three black women are sitting on benches by the playground at the projects between 144th and 145 streets, off Third Avenue and Alexander. One is in her 20s, one is in her 40s, and a distinguished, well-dressed lady is in her 60s.

40s: A family I know in my building, three boys was killed last night.

60s: Same old, same old.

40s: They signed under anonymous names downstairs. I don’t know how they got into the apartment. They was just children, 15, 16 years old. They would have killed they mother, too, but she just went out.

20s: Here today, gone tomorrow.

60s: No, here today, gone today!

Update: The victims were Damian Salgado, 15, Danny Santiago, 15, and Otis Lamont Blair, 16.

“Teen-Agers Found Slain In the Bronx.”

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