Friday, September 17, 2010

Listen to Civil Rights Legend and Current Non-Voting D.C. Delegate to Congress, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Soliciting a Bribe from a Lobbyist



Big Government Exclusive: Delegate to Congress for the District of Columbia Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton leaves voice mail citing her seniority and stimulus-based projects in lobbyist’s “sector”.

“I was, frankly, uh, uh, surprised to see that we don’t have a record, so far as I can tell, of your having given to me despite my uh, long and deep uh, work. In fact, it’s been my major work, uh, on the committee and sub-committee it’s been essentially in your sector.

I am, I’m simply candidly calling to ask for a contribution. As the senior member of the um, committee and a sub-committee chair, we have (chuckles) obligations to raise, uh funds. “

It’s as charming a felonious solicitation as you’re likely to hear. And given Holmes’ racist sense of entitlement, and the authorities’ refusal, for over 40 years, to prosecute such black racial extortion, she surely told herself that she was not committing a crime. Like when she committed tax evasion for years, without ever being prosecuted. Media protection and academic hagiographies notwithstanding, “civil rights leaders” have always routinely committed extortion, tax evasion, and sundry other crimes. Graft, sex, power: What else is there to the civil rights racket?

And it’s not just “civil rights leaders.” The overwhelming majority of blacks in this country do not believe that “the white man’s laws” apply to them, in the first place.

The scoop is courtesy of Andrew Breitbart’s outfit, Big Government. Look for yet another race hoax to be engineered against Breitbart very soon, as revenge.

Tips ‘o the hat to American Renaissance and The Blast.

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