Saturday, June 19, 2010

Moslems Behaving Badly: The Iraq Honor Killing Story that AOL News and the San Francisco Chronicle Don’t Want Americans to Read

By Nicholas Stix

Earlier today, I read an AP story about Elena Kagan, the current U.S. Supreme Court nominee of the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama.”

I’d opened the story either yesterday, or in the wee small hours of the morning today, while working on my previous column, “AOL Continues Total Censorship Comments Policy…”

The story was one of the many links on the right side of the page, with the unambiguous title, “Son kills father who translated for US in Iraq.” Even the link was unambiguous:

But if you hit the link, you will now be taken to a completely different AP story, “Anger over power cuts leads to violence in Iraq,” by Hadeel Al-Shalchi and Bushra Juhi:

BAGHDAD -A protest over electricity shortages in oil-rich southern Iraq turned deadly when police opened fire to disperse the crowd on Saturday, killing one protester in a melee that warned of growing anger over the government's failure to provide basic services.

More than 3,000 protesters marched through Basra, which suffers from searing summer temperatures that can reach 120 degrees (50 degrees Celsius) and high humidity. They carried banners and chanted angry slogans demanding a solution to the power cuts that persist despite billions of dollars in reconstruction money since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

It was a scene that has become more frequent across the nation as patience wears thin among Iraqis struggling to cope with less than six hours of electricity a day.

But the demonstration turned violent when protesters started throwing stones and advanced on the Basra provincial council building, setting fire to a guard's cabin and prompting government security forces to fire into the air to disperse the crowd.

Police and hospital officials said one man was killed and three others wounded.

The Iraqi public has become increasingly frustrated over the government's inability to provide power, clean water and other utilities despite security gains that have led to a sharp drop in war-related violence in recent years.

In another case of anger boiling over into violence, gunmen killed an employee of a local irrigation department and three of his family members Friday west of Baghdad — the latest in a series of attacks stemming from a tribal dispute over water distribution in the Abu Ghraib area.

Within hours of the protester's death in Basra, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered a delegation of officials to Basra to address their concerns. He urged restraint, saying those responsible for the shortage would be punished, but he didn't spell out how the stubbornly persistent problem would be remedied.

Provincial council member Ahmed al-Suleiti said the governor would form a committee to investigate the protester's death.

Complicating the issue is the failure of Iraq's politicians to reach agreement on a new government more than three months after inconclusive March 7 elections.

Iraq's electrical woes have long been a source of discontent among the public, with Iraqi families forced to spend more than $50 a month on private generators to make up for the frequent power outages. But many can't afford the cost, leading them to pilfer electricity from other buildings and government offices.

The decline of the electrical grid began during the 1991 Gulf War, when it was targeted by U.S. warplanes. Facilities were further damaged during the 2003 invasion and the subsequent looting and insurgent attacks.

U.S. Army engineers tried to fix the grid immediately after Saddam Hussein's ouster, but the effort foundered in the face of barely operating power plants suffering from years of neglect brought on by wars and U.N. trade sanctions.

Basra, Iraq's second-largest city, 340 miles (550 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad, has an average of less than two hours of electricity a day, according to Ziyad Ali, head of the provincial council's electricity committee. Without even fans to cool them people spend exhausting, sleepless nights on their roofs or in their gardens to escape the heat.

The Ministry of Electricity said power generation was supposed to get a boost in mid-June after an overhaul of several power stations. But the program faced several unexpected problems, including one station in Basra that went off line.

"This maintenance program was supposed to raise the electricity production, but we were faced with several unexpected problems," ministry spokesman Ibrahim Zeidan said.

Officials also have blamed a delay in the fuel imported from Kuwait and Iraq needed for the power plants. Zeidan said his ministry needs about 2.4 million gallons (9 million liters) of fuel a day to generate power but the Oil Ministry is providing less than 670,000 gallons (2.5 million liters).

Zeidan said there was also a lack of coordination and cooperation between the provincial council and the electricity officials in Basra, and fairer distribution plan for the city's residential areas needed to be drawn up.

The topic has even come in the weekly Friday sermons.

An aide to Iraq's most revered Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, called for a "partial solution" to be found to alleviate the suffering of people this summer, saying the problem was shaking people's trust in officials.

"Let the officials feel the suffering of the people and try to live 18 or 20 hours without electricity," Sheik Abdul-Mahdi al-Karbalaie said during his sermon Friday in Karbala. "If they do so they will try to find a quick solution to the problem."

Associated Press Writer Sameer N. Yacoub contributed to this report.

I don’t get it. The censors at AOL News replaced one story about Moslem barbarism with another story about Moslem barbarism.

Let’s look at the original story, at Yahoo! News, which does not keep stories up for long.

Son kills father who translated for US in Iraq

By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer – Fri Jun 18, 7:09 pm ET

BAGHDAD – An al-Qaida-linked insurgent shot and killed his own father as he slept in his bed Friday for refusing to quit his job as an Iraqi interpreter for the U.S. military, police said, a rare deadly attack on a close family member over allegations of collaborating with the enemy.

The attack happened on a particularly bloody day in Iraq, with at least 27 people killed nationwide in bombings and ambushes largely targeting the houses of government officials, Iraqi security forces and those seen as allied with them.

Hameed al-Daraji, 50, worked as a contractor and translator for the U.S. military for seven years since shortly after the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.

He was shot in the chest about 3 a.m. while sleeping in his house in Samarra, a former insurgent stronghold 60 miles (95 kilometers) north of Baghdad, police Lt. Emad Muhsin said.

Authorities arrested the son and his cousin, saying the young men apparently were trying to prove their loyalty after rejoining the insurgency. Police were also looking for another son who allegedly took part in the attack.

Citing confessions, police said the son whom they arrested, Abdul-Halim Hameed, 30, was a former member of al-Qaida in Iraq who quit the terror network in mid-2007 under pressure from U.S.-Iraqi security operations that have led to a sharp drop in violence in the area.

Col. Hazim Ali, a senior security official in Samarra, said Hameed, his 19-year-old cousin and 24-year-old brother remained committed to extremist causes.

With U.S. troops withdrawing from the country, Ansar al-Sunnah, an insurgent group with ties to al-Qaida, recently lured the men into their ranks with offers of hard cash, Ali said.

The U.S. military said it was looking into the report.

The Samarra assault brought into focus the fears of Iraqis who have worked with the Americans and are worried they'll face renewed violence as their employers prepare to leave the country by the end of next year.

Already, many have been targeted by extremist groups who view them as traitors. But Iraqis could not think of another case in which a family member killed an immediate relative because of his or her employment with the Americans in this country.
Such attacks have happened elsewhere, though.

Several suspected collaborators have been killed by relatives in recent years in the Gaza Strip in an attempt to clear the family name. Most recently, three alleged informers for Israel were killed by family members after busting out of Gaza's central prison during Israel's military offensive against Gaza in the winter of 2008-2009.

Samarra, in the Sunni heartland north of Baghdad, has been one of the hardest areas to control since the U.S.-led invasion. It was the site of the February 2006 bombing that destroyed a revered golden-domed Shiite mosque, sparking a wave of retaliatory sectarian violence that pushed the country to the brink of civil war.

The area has been relatively peaceful since local tribal leaders revolted against al-Qaida in Iraq, but Ali said sleeper cells were waiting for the chance to regroup.

"Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups are trying to recruit some young people in order to carry out attacks in an apparent attempt to show that they are still active," Ali said.

In other violence Friday, gunmen ambushed a checkpoint near the Anbar province town of Qaim, a former insurgent stronghold near the Syrian border, killing seven Iraqi soldiers, according to police, hospital and provincial officials.

They said the gunmen shot an eighth soldier several times but left him alive "to convey a message to the Iraqi army."

Provincial council member Sheik Efan Saadoun blamed the attack on a decision to replace police with Iraqi soldiers who are less familiar with the local surroundings.

Meanwhile, car bombs targeting a police captain and a provincial council member tore through two restive cities north of Baghdad.

One blew up in the city of Tuz Khormato about 50 yards (meters) from the house of Niazi Mohammed, an ethnic Turkomen member of the Salahuddin provincial council, according to police.

City police chief Col. Hussein Ali blamed al-Qaida for the attack, which killed at least eight people and wounded 69. A second car bomb was discovered about 100 yards (meters) from the blast site, but it did not explode, Ali said.

Another blast targeted the house of police Capt. Mustafa Mohammed in the city of Baqouba, killing two neighbors and wounding 27 other people, including some of the officer's relatives, police said.

Hours later in the Sunni district of Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad, a bomb exploded at the gate of a house, killing a man and two women who sold tea and water to soldiers at a nearby Iraqi army checkpoint, according to police and hospital officials.

Police said the residents had ignored insurgent warnings to cut off relations with the soldiers.

In a separate attack in Abu Ghraib, gunmen killed an employee of a local irrigation department, 40-year-old Faisal Hassan, his wife and two children as part of an apparent tribal dispute over water distribution, officials said.

Also Friday, two rockets slammed into a group of houses near the Baghdad International Airport, killing two people and wounding eight, police said.
Associated Press Writers Sameer N. Yacoub in Baghdad and Ibrahim Barzak in Gaza City contributed to this report, as did an AP employee in Tikrit, Iraq.

Oh. I get it now. The first story was of Moslems behaving like Moslems, while the second story was of Moslems behaving like heroic American blacks protesting in Selma and Birmingham, AL for their piece of the flag, a la the media and academic machinery-created mythology of the civil rights movement.

Except of course, for that little Islamic detour about the Moslem gunmen murdering the irrigation department worker and three members of his family. But that’s just normal, right? I mean, if your neighborhood gets shorted on water, you just murder a water worker and his family. (Well, that’s if you’re a member of “a protected group”; if you’re a normal, white, heterosexual guy and do that, you’re a mass murderer.)

The 48-word paragraph can be excised without having to change a thing, otherwise. Indeed, some media outlets apparently did just that.

“BAGHDAD -A protest over electricity shortages in oil-rich southern Iraq turned deadly” turns up 411 results at Google, but “In another case of anger boiling over into violence, gunmen killed an employee” turns up but 4 hits at Google. (Actually, I can’t be sure if it was the news outlets or Google itself that suppressed this part of the story, because if you give it a second try, and hit “In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 4 already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included,” you get 406 hits.)

And of course, the original story shows all that sectarian Moslem killing. You just can’t tell typical white Americans about all that. They can’t be trusted to draw the proper conclusions. The MSM know better. That’s why they normally refuse to report nationally on black racist violence, and denounce anyone who does (like yours truly) as a “white supremacist.”

For all of the virtues of the Internet, the disappearing of this story points up one of its gravest shortcomings: It serves as the greatest memory hole ever invented. All a censor need do is to delete a story and replace it with a different one, at the same URL. (Some NYPD precincts have been caught doing the same thing, recycling police report forms, so that previous crimes are “disappeared” and replaced with newer ones, but working with paper leaves messy erasures.) Fortunately, the evidence for AOL’s censorship is in the URL itself. AOL News, like some other media outlets, has gone over to the blog-style system for generating URLs based on a story’s title, rather than through the older system of randomly generated numbers. That’s good for journalists who want to catch the propaganda provider in misdeeds. (The Chronicle uses the old, randomly-generated system, but the news story nevertheless came up, when I punched in the quote from its predecessor at Google.)

The question remains, as to who caused AOL News and the Chronicle to “disappear” the story. Did a Moslem terrorist front, such as CAIR complain? Did an anti-Western newsroom enforcer complain? Did the White House complain? Well, you can forget about getting a straight answer from the propaganda organizations; you might just as well rely on David Axelrod and his gang in the Left Wing. But you can still complain about their shenanigans. They can’t have you thrown in jail for that … yet.


Chief Censors

San Francisco Chronicle

Ward H. Bushee, executive vice president and editor
901 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: 415-777-1111

AOL News

Tim Armstrong, AOL president & CEO
770 Broadway
4th Floor New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 652-6400

Mike Nizza, acting editor-in-chief

Claire Robinson, managing editor

(Press time update: The Kagan story has also been disappeared! Look at the URL:

The original story was titled, “In e-mails, politics often trumps policy.” It has been replaced by “Kagan unscathed by revelations from past.”)

1 comment:

  1. If we don't do something about the "jews" who control way too many major gatekeeping positions in America - the media, publishing, the Whitehouse, the State Department, the Pentagon, most of our "Congressmen", our central bank, lobbying, advertising, etc. - we won't do anything at all. And it's primarily their propaganda machine that tries to convince us otherwise. If the Chinese, the Iraqis, or the Mexicans were obviously trying to install as many of their operatives in these positions as possible, Americans would be seriously alarmed. But not when it comes to the "jews".
