Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bill Clinton: Is He an Attempted Rapist, in Addition to being a Compulsive Liar?

By Nicholas Stix

I’m sorry. I meant to write, “Is Al Gore an Attempted Rapist, in Addition to being a Compulsive Liar?” These horn-dog, lefty, white politician-criminals (if you’ll excuse the redundancy) all look alike to me!

I do recall now, however, that according to Anita Broaddrick, Bill Clinton was a successful rapist and, as I detailed in 2000, Al Gore was also an attempted election thief. If the Oregon masseuse’s tale is true, it would mean that Gore was no more successful at forcing himself on her than he was at raping the American people.

See the series, “Al Gore’s Greatest Hits”:

“Election Without End: In ‘Goreworld,’ Al Emerges Victorious”

“Gore to U.S.: Drop Dead”

“Election Blues”

A tip ‘o the hat to Larry Auster.

1 comment:

  1. The alleged rape victim was Juanita Broaddrick, not Anita Broaddrick.
