Sunday, May 16, 2010

“‘Feliz Cinco De Mayo’ NO, I wish you a terrible Cinco De Mayo.”

By Nicholas Stix

One of my trusty reader-researchers sent me this one on May 5th, but I didn’t get around to it, partly because he and other readers have me drowning in riches from all the great material they have been sending me of late—but don’t stop sending me stuff!—and partly because I was put off by his subject line: “Mad Jewess blogger goes off on Cinco de Mayo.”

Although the reader in question has always been a perfect and decent gentleman, some of my otherwise well-mannered readers do not share or even know about my concern that my fellow Jews survive and thrive. These readers have periodic swastika eruptions, and write me notes saying things like (to mildly paraphrase),
‘Thank God that you are standing up to the Jewish-owned media that is running the world. The d----d Jews will destroy us all.’

Then I respond, to their shock, that I am The Head Jew, the sinister master of ZOG, whose hands hold the puppet strings that manipulate the world.

I have to admit, however, that some of those readers have taken the news pretty well. The others have been a mixed bag. Could be a lot worse.

Well, as it turns out, when my reader spoke of the “Mad Jewess blogger,” he was simply calling her by her chosen moniker. And her choice of words and images is in keeping with that moniker, which is why I have decided against also publishing this blog at VDARE, where the mere submission would cause the otherwise strong men who are my editors to blush, and to kill it.

The Mad Jewess’ title is “BTW: Take ‘Cinco De Mayo’ & Shove It Up Your ASS, TOO!

”O-M-G, Mad Jewess, you are so mean, hateful & RACIST!- Says Miss Dipshit-Feminazi… Marxist-Mike, Or Joe-Liberal Jerk Off…

NO, I am NOT. Italians have their days in NYC, Irish have St. Pattys Day. The Portuguese in Cali have their day, and the Greeks their day, the Jews have Israeli day in NYC. But they are NICE people that do these things, unless they are Kommies and do it on purpose to make political points. My best friend is full blooded Mexican, and even SHE refuses to celebrate “Cinco De Mayo” – Why would ANY American that is patriotic want to celebrate some stupid ass holiday that is run by OPPRESSORS of America? People that MURDER on our borders? Kidnap little children for slave trade? That is what these ILLEGALS and their allies do.

And she was just warming up.

And take a gander at the t-shirt she showed (that is, if Google hasn’t shut down pics, as well as videos).

My reader remarked, “Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!”


  1. But, do YOU like it?
    I also, am a Mastress "ZOG" Diva, hater, racist, etc.

    I am as much Pro-American as I am Israel.

    I have lived in a Sanctuary City, so, none too fond of the ILLEGALS.

    Shalom :D

  2. Was machst Du?

    So far, so good!



  3. Where can I get one of those shirts?

  4. Nick:

    Gosh, until I clicked on the link, I thought you were talking about Debbie Schlussel.

    I'll have to e-mail her and let her know there's ANOTHER one of her out there!

    Thank you.

  5. Nick, I'm afraid you just stepped in it. The Mad Jewwess is not Jewish - just mad.

    I have nothing against her so I won't go any further into offering my estimation of her and her reasons for her moniker and evolving backstory. I sincerely wish her well and hope that her life genuinely improves. I do not however like to see you brought down by your association with her. She's an angry, insane, unintelligent and ignorant woman in search of an identity. This story is not likely to end well. Don't get on her boat, Nick.

    As for the Yiddish, she doesn't know and you ought to learn yours from Chassidim so that you'll switch out the "W" for a "V". In response though: Ich been fein, Baruch Hashem oon shalom al yisroel.

  6. I always have left wing Jewish LIARS that hate my guts.

    However, I didnt pick this name out of a hat, I am a Jew by my mother and I am mad. So, it is all quite fitting. ANY person that willingly 'wants' to be a JEw, is downright crazy, IMO. My Husband is David Ben Moshe from the right wing WWW.JTF.ORG

    The above person follows me around on the internet and makes life hell for me, because I stand against the evil in my own people. IT believes that this is Lashon hara.. Yet, here IT is speaking evil and gossiping about ME...Well-TOO BAD :D - I will not stop, I will not stop criticizing BAD policies by Jew OR gentile.
    For Nicholas: I really appreciate this, it is very nice of you, I get mentioned on many blogs, forums, etc, and always try to take the time out to thank people.

    I actually have many fans, many that use my website on radio, TV, etc.

    Here is one of my songs that I did for Israel, I am for 2nd Ammendment rights :D

    Kol Tov, and SHALOM.
    God bless America! Actually God HELP America!!

  7. I am a hard right wing Jewish guy that doesnt like inferior races invading America. Its time for white people to stand up and take their nation back--what ever it takes!! Until you are ready for such action, visit the MadJewess's blog. She is a great Jew and a great American patriot.

    As for cucarachas, they can take their Stinko de Mayo back down souse of de border down Messico way.

  8. "Anonymous" (a/k/a frumyid): I know MadJewess personally, I can vouch for her Jewishness. Her mother is a Sephardic Jew (hence, MJ's lack of knowledge of Yiddish, which is a language spoken by Ashkenazim....duhhh.)

    A Jew is defined as one with a Jewish mother or who has validly converted to Torah Judaism Halachically. Mad Jewess definitely fits the first definition, since her mother is Jewish.

  9. That last comment was from me, Chana...I'm not familiar with how this particular blog works, and I don't have a Google account. I meant to post with my name, sorry.

    I may be reached at

  10. Nick,

    I sent you a little in your paypal. Its not much, but every little counts:)

    It is hard to find Jews that are white-friendly, gentile-friendly, and Christian-friendly.

    Keep up the work, it is not easy doing what we have to do.

    As he thinks in his heart, so he is.
    Jewish Proverb

    **TY Chana, I luv u- She is one of my very dearest friends :) Kindred spirits- We are both Marranos, me a Portugee, her Italian.

    I wont praise you any longer sir! Onward to fight the good fight.

  11. I remember when some black guy, (I'm being nice, here) accused you of being a neo-nazi.

    Not only was I thinking this idiot is barking up the wrong tree.

    I halfway considered responding by saying to him "You schwatse, leave my bunds-fuehrer alone."

    However I had the feeling he would take it seriously and you wouldn't appreciate that type of teasing.

    Keep up the good work.

  12. Hello there,

    I saw this your post in our stats. I am Patricia, AsheDina's (The Mad Jewess's) best friend for over 20 years. It is very nice of you to take note of her/us.

    We all work hard on the blog. Some of us are Jews, some Christians.

    We all lived in a sanctuary city in central California. We have been victims of severe left wing policies, which is why the blog is so angry, but it is more of a righteous indigation of a few women that are tired of the multi-cultural hell, tired of the feminsts, tired of men being de-balled by very mean women, race-mixing, Marxism.

    We get together every night with ideas to rant about. I hope that we don't get to shut down, in all honesty.

    As far as this person who didn't have enough guts, but to say he is -anonymous- Sir/Maam, you have no idea what or who you are talking about. Not only is my best friend one of the best Jews I have ever encountered, she is the very reason I don't hate Jews all together. I don't know many women that have awards from the US Army, that are Jewish women, she does.
    I don't know that many women that are Jewish that are as patriotic as The Mad Jewess.

    So, she is not a traditional/religious person? This makes her less a Jew? She is like a Joan of Arc, and the only people that seem to post about her personal character are jealous or left wingers.

    That's all I have to say. I am really upset that every time AsheDina gets posted on another blog, she always have her own people tearing her down. It's Really sad.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Where can I get one of those shirts?

    Monday, May 17, 2010 12:16:00 AM EDT

    If you google under "Fuck Cinco De Mayo" + shirts, you'll find sites with the shirts for sale. I'm not recommending any particular links, because I can't vouch for them.

  14. John Robert Mallernee said...

    Gosh, until I clicked on the link, I thought you were talking about Debbie Schlussel.

    I'll have to e-mail her and let her know there's ANOTHER one of her out there!

    Thank you.

    Monday, May 17, 2010 5:55:00 AM EDT


  15. "Anonymous said...

    "Nick, I'm afraid you just stepped in it. The Mad Jewwess is not Jewish - just mad.

    "I have nothing against her so I won't go any further into offering my estimation of her and her reasons for her moniker and evolving backstory. I sincerely wish her well and hope that her life genuinely improves. I do not however like to see you brought down by your association with her. She's an angry, insane, unintelligent and ignorant woman in search of an identity. This story is not likely to end well. Don't get on her boat, Nick.

    As for the Yiddish, she doesn't know and you ought to learn yours from Chassidim so that you'll switch out the "W" for a "V". In response though: Ich been fein, Baruch Hashem oon shalom al yisroel.

    Monday, May 17, 2010 11:31:00 AM EDT

    Dear Anon,

    Well, you certainly write well. I'll give you that.

    As for the Yiddish, I never heard a word at home, because my Hungarian-born Nana, a rabbi's daughter, left home, she swore off all Yiddish and Hungarian. I took three semesters at Stony Brook with the world's worst Yiddish teacher, who taked about Yiddish more than he taught it, and had an unofficial course requirement that students come from Yiddish-speaking homes. During my first or second semester of Yiddish, one of the wonderful socialists and communists at the vegetarian co-op restaurant I managed stole my textbook, and the teach claimed not to have any more books. So, I didn't get very far with that.

    I then went to live in West Germany for five years, during which time I had many wonderful German teachers (including dorm neighbors and girlfriends), so I am fluent in German but not in Yiddish.

    I did spend time with the Chassidim, but they were concerned with teaching me prayer Hebrew, not Yiddish.

    I do not write Yiddish phonetically. Thus, I write "was," not "vas."

  16. "Mad Jewess said...

    I always have left wing Jewish LIARS that hate my guts.

    However, I didnt pick this name out of a hat, I am a Jew by my mother and I am mad. So, it is all quite fitting. ANY person that willingly 'wants' to be a JEw, is downright crazy, IMO. My Husband is David Ben Moshe from the right wing WWW.JTF.ORG

    The above person follows me around on the internet and makes life hell for me, because I stand against the evil in my own people. IT believes that this is Lashon hara.. Yet, here IT is speaking evil and gossiping about ME...Well-TOO BAD :D - I will not stop, I will not stop criticizing BAD policies by Jew OR gentile.
    For Nicholas: I really appreciate this, it is very nice of you, I get mentioned on many blogs, forums, etc, and always try to take the time out to thank people.

    I actually have many fans, many that use my website on radio, TV, etc.

    Here is one of my songs that I did for Israel, I am for 2nd Ammendment rights :D

    Kol Tov, and SHALOM.
    God bless America! Actually God HELP America!!

    Monday, May 17, 2010 12:43:00 PM EDT"

    Dear AsheDina,

    No sweat, I've had the same experience. When I tried to edit Wikipedia on topics on which I have expertise, people would follow me around, and censor everything I did. Finally, I started writing exposes on them.

    Another mook, a racist lefty, used to send poison pen letters to my Web editors, telling them not to publish my work.

    It was with trepidation that I set up the link to your song video, but "Jews Just Want to Have Guns" proved to be funny and well-sung.

  17. "AsheDina said...

    I sent you a little in your paypal. Its not much, but every little counts:)

    It is hard to find Jews that are white-friendly, gentile-friendly, and Christian-friendly.

    Keep up the work, it is not easy doing what we have to do.

    As he thinks in his heart, so he is.
    Jewish Proverb

    **TY Chana, I luv u- She is one of my very dearest friends :) Kindred spirits- We are both Marranos, me a Portugee, her Italian.

    I wont praise you any longer sir! Onward to fight the good fight.

    Monday, May 17, 2010 2:40:00 PM EDT"

    Dear AsheDina,

    Thanks so much for your support!


