Monday, February 22, 2010

“And the Race Hoax Du Jour is…”

By Nicholas Stix

“Johnson & Wales University students Jasmine Austin and Lillian Mabley read the racist letter which was slipped anonymously under Jasmine's door room door. (February 18, 2010)” WDVR

a racist letter … slipped under the door of a black student's dorm room door.

Later in the story, we get the money shot:

Black students at Johnson & Wales contacted local African-American community leaders, including community activist Alvertis Simmons, who arranged Thursday night's all-campus meeting with school administrators to discuss the incident.

Scene of the crime: Johnson & Wales University, in Denver, the city that recently saw police round up racist black thugs who had been routinely terrorizing whites. Was this hoax meant to neutralize the truth, or is it simply riding on the coattails of the Hocking College (OH) race hoax?

Suspect: Alleged student, Jasmine Austin.

Suspected accomplice: Alleged reporter, Jon Bowman, of Fox 31,

“Racist letter prompts fear, anger at Johnson & Wales University.”

Racist ransom demands yet to come from Alvertise Simmons, Pastor Reggie Holmes and the local Ministerial Alliance, & Co.: More affirmative action for unqualified black students, faculty, and staff; more Black Studies courses, more services, more freebies, a slush fund to be controlled by the activists, etc., etc., etc.

I thank Jake Jacobsen, of Nation of Cowards, Attorney General Mandated Conversations About Race, who sent me this story only minutes ago!

(Jon Bowman is identified as an "alleged reporter," because he presently enjoys the presumption of innocence.)


  1. Nicholas, though you still haven't provide me with a solid evidence for the existence of "death threats" which supposedly canceled American Renaissance conference yet here is a new article from you accusing the letter to be a hoax.

    Granted racism hoax is neither new or impossible, however if it turns out the letter wasn't a hoax would you retract this article?

    You don't even have to apologize, you just need to delete the blog entry about it if it turns out the letter wasn't a hoax.

  2. The link to the story about the Denver black guys assaulting white victims isn't a hoax.

    It's refreshing to see some light shined on darkness for once.

  3. Jeigheff, what does that story have to do with this?

    I already acknowledged that racism hoax is neither new or impossible but unless there's evidence this particular story is a hoax then it needs to be taken as real.

    Of course you and Nicholas have every right to believe the letter as a hoax if you want to just like Nicholas can believe that there are "death threats" which supposedly canceled American Renaissance conference.

    I just ask whether or not Nicholas would be willing to retract if it turns out the letter wasn't a hoax.

    Of course i also would be willing to concede if it turns out the letter was proven to be a hoax.

    Just like i would be willing to concede that there are "death threats" which supposedly canceled American Renaissance conference if there is proof, not just a a quote on a web article with no attributable link.
