Saturday, September 26, 2009

More Moronic, Racist Letters from a Longtime Black Reader

By Nicholas Stix

In the wee small hours of August 27, I received and responded to an idiotic, racist letter by longtime reader, Brenda J. Verner, and published the correspondence. I responded to Verner’s e-mail with mockery and attempts at humor, but failed to make much of an impression on her.

That wasn’t the first moronic, racist letter Verner had sent me; unfortunately, I never got around to responding to and publishing an earlier one(s?), which I seem to have lost in the interim.

Well, Verner was just getting started. She sent me two more letters that day, which I have reprinted below verbatim.

So that the reader might get the full flavor of Verner’s racist bombast (and lack of paragraphing!), after publishing the first, longer letter in toto, I have quoted and responded to excerpts.

In a message dated 8/27/2009 10:18:46 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, bjverner writes:

I don't know how old you are, but you are obviously ignorant, uneducated, or intentionally deluding yourself with selective amnesia. Lynching of black people was a common community activity in America until the 1980's. Still in 1974, while I was at Harvard University, my 18 year old cousin was lynched, yes by whites. My great grandfather was lynched by the klan, over a basket of laundry. It is estimated that at least 117,000 black people have been lynched since the
founding of this nation. The pervasiveness of lynchings in the south, instigated The Great Migration. This was a communal sport all over the nation. The kids were brought out to see black men castrated, burned alive,skinned alive, tarred and feathered, their tongues cut out.(Google Lynching images to see a taste of this all American blood sport for yourself.) Black women were not exempt. In colonial times they even lynched pregnant and cut the babies out their stomachs as beat them to death. Ida B. Well, in the 1920's started the newspaper The Red Tide to record the backgrounds of the victims, the towns that proudly participated, and to appeal to the government to stop this routine form of terrorism that was used to "keep niggers in line." It was the lynching of Emmett Till that sparked the already smoldering civil rights movement. This does not include the "legal" acts of cops who have routinely shot down thousands of innocent black boys and men from plantation times to the present. Black Americans throughout this nation's history has witnessed newspaper accounts of hundreds of trials of white murders of black people, where the white jury routinely let the white offender go, no matter how heavy the evidence against the white defendants. "To Kill A Mockingbird" was one of the literary accounts pertaining to this type of issue. The forced prostitution, rape and murder of black girls and women has been a white privilege from slavery. These issues plus the egregious "legal" disenfranchisement and stripping of black people of hundreds of thousands of acres of their land was/is the source of the much examined concept of "Black Rage"(read the book). It was just a fact of life that Black people in America lived in a state of perpetual fear of whites until relatively recently. In my childhood, I experienced many occasions of whites physically assaulting me and or my friends or other black strangers, out of the blue. The very sight of us, mind you children, would send them into life-threatening rock attacks. As an adult, I have been physically attacked by virtual white strangers in Boston and Cambridge. Once when I was a teenager, I saw a white man hit a black woman with a metal lunch pail because she sat down in a seat on the bus that he wanted - this was in Chicago. Who has perpetrated more violence than black Americans? - white Americans my man, white Americans.

Excerpts and Replies (Verner’s statements are in quotes)
“I don't know how old you are, but you are obviously ignorant, uneducated, or intentionally deluding yourself with selective amnesia. Lynching of black people was a common community activity in America until the 1980's.”

You lie!

“Still in 1974, while I was at Harvard University, my 18 year old cousin was lynched, yes by whites.”

Provide a name, date, and location, and I’ll check it out. Otherwise, I’ll have to assume, based on your track record, that you are lying again.

“My great grandfather was lynched by the klan, over a basket of laundry.”

Name, date, location.

“It is estimated that at least 117,000 black people have been lynched since the founding of this nation.”

You lie!

(See the section after these letters on lynchings.)

“The pervasiveness of lynchings in the south, instigated The Great Migration.”

The Great Migration was about economics, not lynchings. Otherwise, it would have begun ca. 1890, rather than during World War I. You lie!

“In colonial times they even lynched pregnant [sic] and cut the babies out their stomachs as [sic] beat them to death.”

Prove it, or be condemned as a liar.

“It was the lynching of Emmett Till that sparked the already smoldering civil rights movement.”

Brown vs. Board of Education preceded the lynching of Emmett Till by a year, the Jackie Robinson case by another ten years, and the founding of the NAACP by yet 35 years more. The Niagara Movement was still older.

Speaking of lynchings and civil rights, when do whites get some redress for the thousands of ever more gruesome black lynchings of whites? When do we get our civil rights movement?

DOJ stats on interracial murders, 1976-2005.

“This does not include the ‘legal’ acts of cops who have routinely shot down thousands of innocent black boys and men from plantation times to the present.”

Prove it, or be condemned as a liar.

“Black Americans throughout this nation's history has witnessed newspaper accounts of hundreds of trials of white murders of black people, where the white jury routinely let the white offender go, no matter how heavy the evidence against the white defendants. ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ was one of the literary accounts pertaining to this type of issue.”

You lie! To Kill a Mockingbird was inspired by the Scottsboro Boys case. If you’re going to lie, can’t you at least put some skill and effort into it?

“The forced prostitution, rape and murder of black girls and women has been a white privilege from slavery.”

You lie! This particular lie has been so frequently and widely broadcast that until recently, even I assumed it was true. Rather, “the forced prostitution, rape and murder of black girls and women” has been a privilege of black men since time immemorial. Although I have encountered many black females whom I considered beautiful and desirable, and dated quite a few in my youth (I dated many women from each main racial group—I’m no great lover, but I love women), the historical fact of the matter is that going back to slave days, few white men have found any black women attractive. There is a certain symmetry between white men and black women: Most black women find white men unattractive.

However, historically in America there has been a much different relation between black men and white women. While some white women have always been attracted to some black men, most black men have long been sexually obsessed with white women, regardless of one's desirability or beauty.

“These issues plus the egregious ‘legal’ disenfranchisement and stripping of black people of hundreds of thousands of acres of their land was/is the source of the much examined concept of "Black Rage"(read the book).”

Prove it. “Black Rage” is b.s., so don’t try and use one hoax to sell another one.
As for the rest of your charges, you’ve set off my b.s. meter so many times, that due to your complete lack of credibility, if you were to accidentally tell the truth, I would have to assume you were lying yet again. Like most blacks, you have a history of crying wolf.

Three hours later on the same day, Verner sent me the following e-mail.

In a message dated 8/27/2009 1:18:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, bjverner writes:
Please do not publish my first or second response to your post.
They were for your consumption only.

Here’s how it works, Brenda. If you don’t want me publishing your racist, dishonest e-mails, don’t send them. But if you send them, I will publish them. Slavery was abolished 144 years ago, and you are not my owner.

On Lynching

The following section is from Michael Keene, who says that it is based on statistics collected by the Tuskegee Institute, a black organization that would hardly be interested in low-balling lynching statistics. I could not find any direct link to Tuskegee, and the other blogs and Web sites I found combined amateurishness with pc. Though I can’t vouch for their precision, the statistics that Keene cites sound like the ones I’m used to reading.

Lynching in America
Lynching Statistics, by Race, State and Year:

*From 1882 to 1964, there were 4,742 documented cases of lynchings in America.

*Of these cases, 3,445 blacks and 1,297 whites were victimes of lynching.

*The vast proponderous of lynching cases occurred from 1882 to 1935

*The year which saw the most number of lynchings was 1892 with 230

*From 1882 to 1885 more whites were lynched than blacks 315 to 227

*By the 1950's lynching had all but disappeared

*Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana and Alabama saw the most instances of lynching, accounting for 50 percent of all cases.

*Arizona, California, Colorado,Idaho, Indiana, Iowa,KansasMichigan, Minnesota,Montana, Nebraska,Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming, had more cases of whites lynched than blacks


Tuskegee Institute

(The only scholarly article I could find on the phenomenon was “Rough Justice: Was lynching a scandal or a system of justice or both?,” a review of Dwight Murphey’s monograph, Lynching — History and Analysis, by Thomas Jackson, in American Renaissance. As Murphey and Jackson emphasize, blacks were not typically randomly lynched, nor were whites. The vast majority of lynchees were criminal suspects, and a large though indeterminate percentage of both groups (white and black) was guilty as hell, and got what was coming to them under the justice of the time, which was not necessarily inferior to what passes for criminal justice today. Criminal justice has always been a brutal business; pick your poison.
Other postings may pretend to scholarly rigor, but prove to be racial socialist propaganda, like the two linked below:

“Lynching in America: Carnival of Death,” by Mark Gado, in TruTV’s Crime Library, and

“Lynching”: Information from


  1. Thanks for setting the truth. She's just another angry black witch with an ax to grind against white people.

    Keep up the good work, Nicholas!


  2. Rather, “the forced prostitution, rape and murder of black girls and women” has been a privilege of black men since time immemorial.--Stix

    Sadly, I'm going to have to agree with the statement above. Brenda and all black women like her are going to have to face facts. Black women are much more likely to be victimized by black men than by white men...and I can admit this and I'm a black woman.

    My only disagreement is with the implication that a victim of rape must be attractive to her attacker. I believe that rape is a hate crime and sexual desire has nothing to do with it. If a woman is considered "less than" or property (like a slave) she is more likely to be raped.

  3. Here's a fun fact for everyone.
    Black on Black violence killed more blacks in one year, than all the lynchings from 1882-1968.

    Lynchings 1882-1968= 3,446
    Blacks murdered by blacks in 2005= 6,300 or so

    Source for Lynching numbers. (Tuskegee University, a historical black college)

    Source for Black on Black murders
    is the Washington Post. A fine progessive newspaper.

  4. This is an outright racist blog. The link I got had me believing that the author was the racist. If you believe that atrocities were not committed against blacks and that injustices are not still going on, you lie. I can tell though I am wasting my precious time and energy. Lost cause. This country is going to hell in a hand basket with all the die-hard racists coming out of the wood work.

  5. Dear Nicholas,
    You never responded directly to me regarding the reply I made to your continued disparaging remarks regarding black Americans. But you posted it on your blog to mock the truthfulness and the sincerity of my statements with those who are looking for another excuse to diminish the importance of America's past on our present-day situations in both our politics and culture. What amazes me is that you don't seem to be capable of entertaining the awful reality of our nation's racist history. To recognize and to know what has happened, and in many instances is still happening, does not automatically result in outlandish rage, blinding hate, irrational thought, on the part of those who have experienced these awful dehumanizing despicable acts. Quite the contrary. One of the most miraculous aspects of the African American experience has been the embracement of Christianity as the sustaining force for survival and hope. You see, the overwhelming majority of African Americans are Christian and understand that you cannot seek revenge on whites and still be a true Christian. For the Lord says, "Vengence is mine." It was white Christians who fought to end slavery. It was white Christians who sought tp restore respectable humanity to the emancipated Africans. White Christian denominations have a long history of working for and with black Americans to secure the blessing that this nation has to offer all its people. White Christians help to build the historically black college network. African American culture is a church-based culture that mirrors its white counterparts. The Baptists, the Methodists, the pentecostal black churches are loosely structured like and have association with their white counterparts. Your concept of the raging, white-hating black majority, simply does not exist. That does not mean that there are no politically motivated African Americans in politics and in media, who demand to speak their slanted propaganda in the name of all black Americans. But consider this: if you know for yourself that whites of all classes are manipulated and misrepresented in politics and media; why is it that you can't see that the black majority is also being manipulated by powerful well-ordered leftist elites who buy black mouth pieces and set them before the world at will? Hear the true voice of black America. Listen to the Negro Spirituals and to gospel music. There is where you will hear the voices of a people you probably will never see on TV. It never speaks of rage, anger or hate. It speaks of love, peace and forgiveness. Brenda Verner.

  6. The first citation of "lynching" at TruTV was outrageous!

    Outrageous in that anyone could have a problem with it that is.

    A young man in 1897 Texas brutally murders the wife of his employer and is convicted of the crime in court. He is then hung and killed.

    Omigosh! How horrible! How outrageous!

    Add the racial elements back into the story now - it's 1897 Texas and a white couple hires a black ranch hand. This was a fairly progressive act for the time and place. Remember it's Texas - not Alabama - and pioneer ranchers not former slavers. They helped out this black man and gave him a job for which he repaid them by murdering the ranchers wife.

    It was altogether common in the frontier for the community to take proactive steps on hanging (then the standard method of execution) often for suspects and not yet convicts. So these Texas progressives of the day waited around for the wheels of justice to grind and this man to be convicted then made darn sure the sentence was publically carried out.

    I bet there weren't many more young men killing their bosses wives in Waco (white or black) after this for quite a while.

    And THIS is the example the PC crowd and white apologists use of "lynching"???
