Sunday, July 26, 2009

Non-Hate Crime in a Texas Town

By Nicholas Stix

In the East Austin section of Austin, Texas, someone threw a brick through the window of a four-year-old black boy’s bedroom window, with a message reading, read “Keep Eastside White. Keep Eastside Strong.”

Austin police insist, however, that the incident was not a “hate crime.” It’ll be all over the national media any minute, now.

Just kidding, folks. Actually, the victim was white, the message read, “Keep Eastside Black. Keep Eastside Strong,” and the national media could care less. But I wasn’t kidding about the cops denying that the attack was a hate crime.

Imagine you’re a parent of a four-year-old boy, whom black supremacists—with the passive collaboration of the police—are casually teaching that he is a second or third-class citizen. How do you explain that to your son? What do you do?

Jake Jacobsen has the story, over at Eric Holder’s favorite blog, Nation of Cowards.

Meanwhile, the MSM are busy devoting themselves to the campaign to help a poor, beleaguered, black, racist multimillionaire and harasser of white policemen shake down the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts for a few mil.


  1. This would be a good "teaching moment", or whatever Obama calls it. For teaching your son about white nationalism and the modern reality of America, that is.

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