Saturday, June 13, 2009

Seiyo Scores First Round KO over MacDonald

By Nicholas Stix

Between here and Europe, I’ve attended four different colleges and universities, some of them world famous, but the finest one was New York State’s unheralded little Sullivan County Community College, where I got my start. But the story to follow is more about SCCC’s um, atmosphere, though that too contributed mightily to its greatness.

In the spring semester of my freshman year, I took Western Civ II with a man I’ll call “Willis Anderson.”

Anderson was a wild man. In class, he bellowed about his hero, Martin Luther, with a deep, booming voice that gave me headaches, when he was too close at hand. He was handsome and athletic looking, notwithstanding a slight paunch and a jaw (like my own) of Biblical dimensions, with a theatrical flamboyance which, I was told, had served him well in local amateur productions of Gilbert & Sullivan. I also once heard a tape of his comical, inebriated rantings at a saloon, when he did an unscripted “Rev. Billy Ray Hargis” (I believe he used Hargis’ name) standup shtick.

Entertaining fellow, and known to all the local barkeeps, who he may have occasionally spelled. He once threatened me in class, if I didn’t shut up, saying “After three straight nights in [saloon]….,” the implication being that he had tended bar, though I’m no longer sure one should make that assumption.

Prior to teaching college, Willis had taught high school history. Based on his widespread local reputation, I think that in addition to easier hours and better pay, he chose to jump to teaching college, because he would no longer have to worry about possible statutory rape prosecutions.

Although he was legally married, he and his wife seemed to lead separate lives. He would offer coeds with “incompletes” in his classes the opportunity to do “research” for him. At one point, he offered a girl I was dating (unbeknownst to him, not that it would have mattered) such an opportunity. She told me she’d take an “F,” before she’d do any of his “f-ing research.”

I’d never heard of Willis being sighted off campus sober. It was as if the moment he left campus, he hit a secret button, and immediately became soused.

Anderson gave me a B that semester; I thought I deserved an “A.” It turned out, he thought so, too.

During the summer, whenever I had a moment, I’d visit the local watering holes looking for Willis, to ask him why he’d given me a “B.” I always missed him, but one day, as I was riding my bike to my job as a restaurant dishwasher, I saw Willis stagger out of “Bum and Kel’s,” my own favorite saloon.


“What the fuck you want?”

I’d like to talk to you about something.

[More of the same.]

“Why the fuck did I give you a B? You deserved an A.”

That’s what I’d like to know.

“Alright, if you take me, I’ll give you the A.”

Assuming the nine-inch taller man meant a round of fisticuffs, I put up my dukes. He shook me off, and put out his arms to signal we were to wrestle.

The place we were at was an inhospitable mix of sand and tiny pebbles, between some pickup trucks parked in front of the joint, but it would have to do.

We tangled, and went down in the sand and pebbles, and I pinned Willis on his shoulders, counting him out 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3. But he wouldn’t admit that I’d beaten him and continued struggling with me, our legs by now under someone’s parked pick-up truck. Finally, the beefier of the two owners came out, said “Boys, that’ll be enough,” and dragged us up from under the truck, and separated us, each in one of his meaty hands. Willis had bloody knees, due to wearing shorts (I was wearing jeans), but that was his choice.

I then went across the street to Ralph’s Pizza, where I triumphantly told the owner’s son, Ralph Jr., of my exploits.

“It doesn’t count, because Willis was drunk.”

“But he’s always drunk off campus!”

I don’t recall succeeded at bringing Ralph Jr. around to my way of seeing things. And Willis was no gentleman; he never changed my grade, and I had no intention of chasing after him like a bill collector, dunning him for a grade change.

These reveries were inspired by the thoroughgoing thrashing that Takuan Seiyo gave to Kevin MacDonald at Gates of Vienna, in “Critique of the Culture of Kevin MacDonald.”

MacDonald, who knows little about Jews, whom he understands not one bit, considers himself the world’s greatest scholar of all things Jewish. His “scholarship” is reducible to the statement, ‘The Jews are an alien race that is a cancer on the white race, and responsible for all that ails the latter,’ or more succinctly, ‘The Jews are our misfortune!’

Seiyo proceeds by showing that MacDonald’s “method” consists of finding anything negative about any Jews, and attributing it to all Jews; ignoring all Jewish contributions to Western civilization; ignoring any injustices committed by gentiles against Jews; and writing as though any defect observed among Jews were unique to them, rather than common to many other, and possibly all other religious and ethnic groups. The philosopher Walter Kaufmann called such sophistry, “gerrymandering.”

The only blemish on Tak’s victory is, of course, that it came against the slovenly thinking Kevin MacDonald.

However, sometimes a man has to fight “the Bum of the Month.” Contrary to Ralph Jr.’s criticism, if I’d waited to find Willis sober, I would have never had my day. Was I supposed to let him slide? I don’t think so. And in an admittedly imperfect analogy—aren’t they all?—was a high-powered intellect like Tak Seiyo supposed to say, “This pathetic excuse for an intellect is beneath me; I won’t dirty my hands on him”? Of course, not. America and the rest of the West are collapsing due to such snobbishness, which often is a front for intellectual cowardice and laziness.

Anyone who would consider himself an intellectual today must, perforce, join the Bad Books Club, and pummel the intellectual Bum of the Month, or pretty soon, all intellectual exercises will have been outlawed.


  1. Seiyo didn't give a convincing argument against MacDonald at all. Seiyo doesn't fully agree with MacDonald's starting premises of evolutionary biology, so it's almost pointless for them to argue about the different conclusions they arrive from very different premises.

    "Seiyo proceeds by showing that MacDonald’s “method” consists of finding anything negative about any Jews and attributing it to all Jews"
    If the Jews have a lot of negative attributes and are responsible for a lot of negative things, then any method of investigating Jews and Jewish history is bound to turn a lot of this negative stuff up.

    "ignoring all Jewish contributions to Western civilization"
    MacDonald's point isn't that Jews didn't contribute anything to Western Civ. This is irrelevant to his argument. MacDonald and WNs could care less about missing out on Jew contributions to Western Civ.

    "ignoring any injustices committed by gentiles against Jews"
    Again, this is irrelevant. MacDonald doesn't care about what gentiles did to the Jews, and this has nothing to do with his argument. From Mac's perspective, injustices against Jews can be considered justified.

    "writing as though any defect observed among Jews were unique to them, rather than common to many other, and possibly all other religious and ethnic groups."
    Mac never argues this. He would probably concede that these defects are universal. What he argues and cares about is the fact that these defects of Jews have historically affected, and continue to affect the white gentile Euro/American nations.

    Jews like you and Auster are all giddy about this article as if it's supposed to debunk MacDonald once and for all. The half Jew Takuan Seiyo has always been pro Jew and has revealed himself to be so throughout his previous writings. What did you expect him to do? Defend MacDonald?

    If anything, a careful reading shows that Seiyo agrees with a lot of what MacDonald says. Seiyo concedes that a lot of Jews and Jew orgs are leading the charge to destroy their hosts and host nations, but glosses over what causes Jews to do this and attributes the impulse to the Bible, Jewish moralism, etc. Even Seiyo isn't disingenuous enough to argue against a lot of what MacDonald says; he concedes many of his points and just throws up some different reasons for why they behave that way.

    The end of the piece is a warning of sorts by Seiyo towards his fellow Jews. He knows MacDonald is right, and he knows what it will lead to, so he's trying to warn Jews to reduce their destructive, pathological behavior.

  2. Hi Nicholas,

    I read the entire post, and I also agree that Mr. Seiyo seems to be agreeing with MacDonald in many ways.

  3. I enjoyed your wrestling story.

    Come to think of it, I've never heard a bad wrestling story.

  4. Perhaps no other group has given the modern world so much, in terms of both scientific advancement and prosperity and been more reviled for it than have the Jews.

    As Seiyo points out the Roman Catholic Church loudly supports a program embracing the "Hispanization of America" and that organization goes unscathed. Even the wild anti-American rantings of the inane father Phleger of Chicago have brought no similar rage against the Catholics.

    There have been many Jews who've played a major role in Communism, Socialism and vrious oher utopian ideologies, but that doesn't seem related exclusively to Judaism.

    There are tons of so-called "Christians" who've embraced the Marxist cult called "Liberation Theology".

    Again, no similar outrage against that group.

    Every group has its share of debased, anti-freedom, anti-Capitalist thugs and pretending "It's only the Jews" allows, even encourages many to overlook the goons and goofballs within their own groups!

    Ethnicity is NOT destiny, but ideology far more often IS.

  5. Perhaps no other group has given the modern world so much, in terms of both scientific advancement and prosperity and been more reviled for it than have the Jews.

    This is religion (Jew worship), not science. You could remove Jews from the record and it would make hardly a speed bump on the road of human history.

    Jews owe far more to Europeans than vice-versa.

    I'd like to point out that everything Jews have contributed to European society (practically by definition all of it technical and none of it cultural) could have easily come over the wall; none of it necessitates Europeans putting up with Jewish malfeasance in European living space. E.g., they have light bulbs in Africa without Thomas Edison's ofay hide ever residing on the continent.

  6. I'd also like to add that the crowing I've seen Jews do over supposed "takedowns" of MacDonald's work are extremely suggestive, in a direction opposite that intended (Seiyo's piece is not the first I've read, quite the contrary); they've been so weak, and so incongruous with the crowing, that I'm forced to conclude that the obviously highly-motivated (and much-vaunted) Jewish intellect has failed, much as it would fail to persuasively champion a flat-Earth position.

    P.S., Mr. Stix, love your work. I've read several of your pieces and been struck by your intellectual honesty and bravery.

  7. I've read (and enjoyed) many of your writings Stix, but you're way off-base here. MacDonald is right on-the-money regarding Jewish power and its destruction of White civilization as a pre-condition for the destruction of the White race.

    Seiyo's a hack who simply parrots the Jewish view of MacDonald's writings.

  8. It's sad how few race-realist, conservative Jews there are., and how they find themselves in semi-alignment with people who despise them. Even when they express themselves (beautifully) on their own blogs, they are outnumbered and shouted down by anti-semites.

    I don't know what else to say about this situation. I long ago gave up on neocon blogs but am finding paleo and hbd-related blogs increasingly annoying too. Perhaps some synthesis is in the works.

  9. Question:

    If someone hates Jews because they're Jews is an anti-semite...

    And someone like Jews because they're Jews is a philo-semite...

    What is someone who don't have strong feelings about Jews one way or the other called?

  10. Tak, old Savings-and-Loan buddy, old pal, most of the people are lining up against you. But I'm still with you, Brother.

  11. "green mamba said...

    "It's sad how few race-realist, conservative Jews there are., and how they find themselves in semi-alignment with people who despise them. Even when they express themselves (beautifully) on their own blogs, they are outnumbered and shouted down by anti-semites.

    "I don't know what else to say about this situation. I long ago gave up on neocon blogs but am finding paleo and hbd-related blogs increasingly annoying too. Perhaps some synthesis is in the works.

    "Wednesday, June 17, 2009 4:41:00 AM EDT"

    Yup. You've got the situation nailed.

    What some Jews are doing, is taking an independent tack, while keeping channels open to gentile race realists. Thus, the polymath Michael Hart (Understanding Human History) produced the first Preserving Western Civlization conference, which many Christian paleos and race realists attended, along with Jews like yours truly, even as Hart continued attending Jared Taylor's American Renaissance conferences, which I too was pleased to attend for the first time last year.

    So, the situation isn't hopeless, but it's damned close. And yet, the same words apply to the American Project itself.

  12. "Dr Muttley said...

    "If someone hates Jews because they're Jews is an anti-semite...

    "And someone like Jews because they're Jews is a philo-semite...

    "What is someone who don't have strong feelings about Jews one way or the other called?

    "Wednesday, June 17, 2009 2:17:00 PM EDT"

    (Chuckle.) An indiffer-ite?

    Is that even legal?

  13. Works for me...

    Thanks for being a sport.

  14. "What is someone who don't have strong feelings about Jews one way or the other called?

    A nuetral-semite?

  15. Miles says hi, by the way.

    Nine inches taller? Shit. You must be really short then. Or at least taken to exaggeration.

  16. I just now read this. It looks like MacDonald responded here.
