Saturday, March 28, 2009

Channon Christian-Christopher Newsom Trials Update

“Knoxville County (TN) Criminal Court Judge Richard Baumgartner had better get a grip. This jurist, who since early 2007 has been presiding over all four state murder trials in the Knoxville Horror (KH) case—the January 7, 2007 carjacking-kidnapping-gang-rape-torture-murders by black criminals of white couple Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom—is in danger of losing control of his courtroom....”

Read the rest at

1 comment:

  1. RE your article, I see no evidence that black females receive preferential treatment in the least not any more than women of other races. If Coleman skates on anything, it's because she deserved it.

    Whatever the case, none of the defendents will get any special treatment since there appears to be enough evidence to convict them.
