Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Ron Smith & Nicholas Stix: A Conversation Today at 3:30 p.m. on the SPLC Election Hoax, VDARE, and the Winchester Atrocity

By Nicholas Stix

Ron Smith has invited me to be a guest on his popular, Baltimore talk radio show, on WBAL (if you are out of range for the radio station, you can listen in via live stream at (hit the “Listen Live” link in the upper left-hand corner).

We will be discussing the subjects of his column today, “The truth about 'hate crimes' and the racial justice racket”: The SPLC’s Election Hoax, whereby the organization got millions of readers around the world to believe that racist whites reacted to the selection as president of the man calling himself “Barack Obama” with hate crimes against blacks, and the Winchester Atrocity (see also here and here), the racially motivated robbery-torture-murder of the newlyweds, white Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak and his black bride of two months, Quiana Jenkins- Pietrzak, and the gang-rape of Mrs. Pietrzak, for which four black “Marines” have been charged.

Smith writes,

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a thriving business. The Alabama-based "nonprofit" firm has become a font of riches for founder Morris Dees and his associates. Its last tax return (2005) showed it took in nearly $111 million in donations the previous four years alone and reported assets of $189.4 million at the end of 2005.

To me and to other observant conservatives, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a clever scam, relentlessly cultivating for profit the fear that this nation is filled with Klansmen and rife with people eager to perpetrate genocide. If you're curious about this organization and its legitimacy, spend some time on the Internet and assess it for yourself, because I want to move on to something else related to the comment by Mr. Potok. He mentions cross-burnings on the lawns of interracial couples. If this is true, shame on those who do such things, but what you probably don't know about - and what the law center ignores - is the atrocity committed on an interracial couple in Winchester, Calif.: Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak, a Polish immigrant, and his African-American bride of two months, Quiana Jenkins Pietrzak. Four African-American Marines, two of them under Sergeant Pietrzak's command (including Emrys Justin John, 18, of Baltimore), are accused of breaking into the couple's home and killing them both (one is also charged with a sex crime). In the weeks since the brutal murders, the media have been largely silent about the grisly incident. Would that be the case had the alleged perpetrators been white? Don't be silly.

And as we have come to expect, the authorities won't attribute the Pietrzaks' deaths to "hate." The Riverside County prosecutor's office says the crime was motivated by robbery. But the mother of the murdered Marine, Henryka Pietrzak-Varga, wrote a letter to the president-elect about what happened to her son and daughter-in-law, wondering, "If it was a robbery, why didn't they come when nobody was home instead of in the dead of night, armed to the teeth? ... What was it about my son and daughter-in-law that inspired such hatred and loathing?" As columnist and blogger Nicholas Stix notes, "The questions are, of course, rhetorical. Mrs. Pietrzak-Varga obviously knows full well why her son and daughter-in-law were murdered.

Ron Smith is a long-time reader, dating back to my early 1990s' work for Chronicles, and a big fan of VDARE, where he read my columns devoted to the Winchester Atrocity.

Tune in; you won’t want to miss this broadcast.

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