Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Belated Chanukah Wishes to All of My Fellow Jews!

And now I must run out, and buy more Chanukah and Christmas presents for my little prince. (I already took care of the Queen.)



  1. I got a feeling your not going to get much response from your fellow Jews since most probably hate your guts for writing at VDare. On a happier note Jew race hustler Elie Wiesel lost millions from the whole Madoff scandal. Oy vey, we are so persecuted. I'm sure he will find a way to blame Christians. Merry Christmas!

  2. Happy Chanukah, Nicholas. Be sure to check out Kvetcher's cartoon on the origin of the holiday. He's cool, for a liberal.

  3. Belated wishes for a happy Chanukah and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

    Have you seen the Auster-Taki/Auster-Gottfried feud?

  4. Happy belated Chanukah, Howard, you light-hearted bringer of mirth...lessness.

    My Merry Christmas thread is elsewhere.
