Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Kvetcher: Civil Rights, Whites, and Jews

By Nicholas Stix

Blogger David Kelsey, aka The Kvetcher, with whom I have on occasion jousted, has written, “Nicholas Stix on the class difference in perception of racially motivated crime.” I assure you, the essay is much more interesting than the title, although there’s something to say for the title’s academic stodginess. It sure beats, "White Supremacist Posts Response to Community."

Kelsey takes a portion of my article, “Howard Beach II: More White Male Monsters,” on black-on-white crime and the hostility the media and prosecutors show white victims, as his point of departure.

While I don’t contest Stix’s unbalanced murder rates, my own experience is that expressions of racially motivated contempt are not restricted to any one group. In some small towns, there is white contempt for others not like them. But in New York, this is rarely the case. And anyway, contempt is a far, far cry from physical violence. And we are bombarded even with bogus allegations of white racially motivated crimes, and we do seem to strangely insist on denying there is plenty of anti-white crime. Tragically, this was essentially legislated with the Hate Crimes laws. These laws must be rescinded….

As for the contempt MSM reporters feel towards white crime victims (I have to quote Kelsey out of sequence here, as the alternative would be hopelessly clumsy),

Well, part of this is economics and class. The reporters are more monolithically of a higher class today than those of yesteryear. Stix partially targets the rise of the prerequisite of Journalism graduate schools as raising a hurdle which preempts middle class journalistic voices….

One need not become a race realist to become a realist about factors driving race realism. The irony is that the legitimate concerns of some of the more moderate race realists like Steve Sailer, John Derbyshire, Ian Jobling, and bloggers like Guy White, is that to a large degree, they are civil rights advocates for their constituency. Many often think of civil rights advocacy as a specifically left-wing movement for minorities. But the expansive appeal of civil rights movements, the reason they ultimately succeed, is that many of us believe that civil rights should indeed be universal. That means inclusive of white Christian men.

I personally hope that double standards and preferential treatments are legislatively repealed. However, it will take framing these issues in the civil rights language where they belong. And it means explaining why civil rights needs to be universal….

It is often hard for a group to succeed in its civil rights struggle without sympathizers from an outside community.

Sympathetic Christian whites in this country have proven absolutely outstanding in providing this for others, and obviously, Jews have been beneficiaries of this tendency.

To the extent that a movement is a white nationalist movement, one cannot expect the Jewish community to respond in a favorable or supportive manner. However, to the extent that it is a civil rights movement, I think we ought to respond in a supportive fashion.

As you can imagine, I have quite a bit to say on the subject Kelsey raises, but it would take a few days to write, re-write, and then undo the damage of the re-writes, to restore its original form. As I have angry editors whom I owe work and have thus been avoiding for an inordinate duration (you wouldn’t believe me, if I told you), I am going to have to put off responding to Kelsey, for now. But that shouldn’t stop you from joining the discussion that has already begun at The Kvetcher.

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