Thursday, August 28, 2008

White Obamanoids Play for the "Stupid White People" Vote

David Gergen is presently hammering home the Lincoln talking point, saying "how interesting it is" that already two speeches have alluded to Lincoln, as if this were all some amazing coincidence! Gergen has no shame. He's not even feigning independence.

And now, another Obamanoid on CNN's payroll, Gloria Berger, is gushing that The One is "not a professional politician."

Extending that, a 60-something, white male operative is playing the "postpartisanship" talking point.

Do they still think they can get away with that?

And now Biden is talking about cops and firemen and assembly workers. I guess he's supposed to get those white Pennsylvania voters. But the Democratic Party stands for racist black and Hispanic cops and firemen and assembly workers!

There is apparently no limit to the contempt that the elites feel for the whites who are the only thing preesently standing between this country and anarchy.

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