Friday, April 04, 2008

What We Must Remember on the Anniversary of MLK’s Assassination

By Nicholas Stix

Today, the fourth day of the year’s fourth Black History Month, the nation commemorated the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. On the TV earlier today, I continually saw images of MLK. I didn’t bother listening, and The Boss was kind enough to keep the sound on low. How many winter’s days have I wasted since 1987, watching propaganda about that man? And now, with twelve Black History Months per year, the propaganda never stops.

Some of MLK’s closest followers revered him above Jesus. That makes sense, when you think about it, since they weren’t Christians. Christianity (and communism … and the U.S. Constitution) was just a means for King and his followers to attain worldly wealth and power, and the affections of beautiful women. And to tear down whites and America.

Perhaps the worst thing about James Earl Ray’s assassination of King is that King’s death gave birth to the King myth. Had King lived 10, 20, 30 more years, he would eventually have been disgraced. His plagiaries and communist connections would have been exposed; he would have gotten drunk and crazy in public one time too many; he would have smacked around one woman too many.

Instead, he was murdered, which white and black racists alike were able to turn into the King cult, the damnable holiday in his name, the educational abuse of school children, the political takeover of the entire calendar year, and diversity training 24/7, from when one turns on GMA or Today in the morning, to when one watches the 11 O’Clock News just before dozing off at night. And King’s own civil rights movement and rhetoric, with their mask of colorblindness hiding the black face beneath, gave us Barack Hussein Obama. More than anyone, Martin King is the father of the apartheid system of Jim Snow under which most whites live.

The late Sam Francis nailed things five years ago:

Today, Americans have been so brainwashed by the propaganda of the left, communist or not, that they're likely to regard the Reds in the civil rights movement as the real heroes who led the fight against murderous bigots in Southern backwaters. Immersed in white guilt, a vast number of Americans now accept that the entire history of their nation up to the 1960s was a dark age of repression and hatred, with only a few bright spots like Abraham Lincoln and the crusade against Hitler.

Having lost their own history, Americans can no longer expect to keep the nation their history created and defined. That, of course, was the whole point—to strip away the real past as well as the legends that allow Americans to exist as a people and to put in their place new myths—and a new population—that will give birth to a new order that Myles Horton and his comrades would have liked. It's an amazing story, about how an entire people was bamboozled out of its own heritage and its own country. Some day, when we have a good conservative administration in Washington, the Public Broadcasting System ought to make a film about it.

“Abolishing America, Cont’d: Black History…or Red?,” January 27, 2003.


  1. Very true - I didn't watch TV yesterday. In fact, the best thing to do is not watch it at all.

    Here's an article in the long litany of NY Times crimes against the white race, about Obama in PA:

    It begins nicely enough, but you know (this is the Times after all) that they will lower the boom on these horrible creatures, the white working class:

    How many blacks live near Pinch Sulzberger, one wonders.
    "And on matters of race Levittown has a particularly shameful history. borough, closed off to blacks."

  2. I remembered "The King" by writing a blog. All hail the King...and White prostitutes and alcohol and Communism.

  3. Mr. Stix:

    Fine work as always. Didn't see an e-mail address so I'll leave this comment here. Was wondering if you saw the very brief news item about the Chinese grad student at Columbia who was assaulted and chased into a street by some black youth, to his death. Happened this past weekend, but obviously got little coverage. This is not the first type of incident - Someone I knew was chased into a street (an NYU student), to his death, in Harlem back in 2006 by the usual suspects. Of course, if the races were reversed you can imagine the outrage there'd be a la Howard Beach back in the late 80s or whenever it was...
