Thursday, September 07, 2006

I Know Andrew Jones, He's a Friend of Mine, and Mr. Kemp, You're No Andrew Jones

By Nicholas Stix

A few minutes ago, in the bottom of the seventh inning at Shea Stadium, Matt Kemp, a corner outfielder subbing in centerfield for Los Angeles, misplayed his third fly ball of the evening. Kemp’s playing of a too shallow center gave Mets third baseman David Wright a double on a fly ball that should have a long out. Earlier in the game, Kemp’ insistence on playing center too shallow gave Mets first baseman Carlos Delgado a gift double in the first inning, and shortstop Jose Reyes a gift inside-the-park, three-run homer in the sixth.

The Mets announcers’ pithy pronouncements:

Gary Cohen: He thinks he’s Andrew Jones.

Keith Hernandez: Methinks not.

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