Friday, September 27, 2024

A White South African Contradicts the anc’s newest lies (south africa today, "America" tomorrow)

[“south africa aims to improve black empowerment [read: racist looting] scheme.”]

By Bradley Morris
friday, september 27, 2024 at 10:36:00 a.m. edt

This is such cynical, racist bull--it. The anc are a criminal gang of terrorists masquerading as a political party. They have managed to totally destroy in thirty years what White people built over the course of three hundred.

Under Apartheid, blacks had the best living standards in africa. Free education, subsidized housing, virtually free healthcare, safe streets and secure borders. Most were employed. This was courtesy of White taxpayers, as blacks paid no income tax. It was also courtesy of White male military conscripts; blacks were not subject to military conscription.

Things were so oppressive that every year tens of thousands of blacks from neighboring, newly liberated countries like zimbabwe poured over the borders, so that they too could be oppressed under Apartheid.

The Whites were able to maintain this status quo whilst fighting a war on the namibian border and under crippling international sanctions. Then the anc murdered their way into power.

They have instituted the most draconian and racist affirmative action laws in the world, basically legislating Whites into perpetual poverty. Despite millions in foreign aid annually, they have allowed what was first world infrastructure to gradually crumble and allowed violent criminals to have free rein – unleashing an ongoing wave of violent crime.

Now that the black population is waking up from their race-induced slumber, and there is a real possibility of the anc losing power, they’re gaslighting the population, and twisting the screw on what are already the most racist and oppressive aa laws in the world.


  1. jerry pdx
    If Whites in SA had been smarter they would have shoved every negro out of the country, not allowed any in migration of negroes and done all the work themselves. But they couldn't resist that cheap labor and like the rest of the world falling into the same greed trap, are now paying the price. SA is a microcosm of what is happening worldwide.

    1. They did try to shove them out of the country by creating ostensibly independent black homelands.

  2. We have our own apartheid cities--and saying the word "problems",understates what's going on there. The more blacks become entrenched,the worse each city gets.

    Where is MY America?


  3. We're getting a taste of ANC style government here in New York City. The mayor, Eric Adams has been indicted on corruption and bribery charges. Top players in his administration are being investigated too and positions like fire and police commissioner have become a revolving door of affirmative action hires. Like the ANC they are corrupt to the core. Additionally, like the ANC, black Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg prosecutes selectivity according to race and has also criminalized self defense against black assailants.

  4. When Adams gets convicted by a black jury,send me a note via paper airplane from nyc to grand rapids.

