Saturday, August 10, 2024

VDARE: The reality of lawfare and cancel culture

By N.S.

The other day, the VDARE Web site was shut down permanently. I had previously posted the link to a recorded speech by VDARE’s founder, Peter Brimelow, explaining his situation vis-a-vis new york state criminal general Letitia James. Anyone who missed it, or wants to view it again, can check the vdare link below (which was still working when I checked it a few minutes ago). Said link also contains a video and text by Peter’s wife, Lydia, on her travails trying to raise revenues.

Although Lydia doesn’t make this explicit, a criminal conspiracy had to be involved, because people who had no right to have her social security number had it, and informed her that her number was on a White list of people who were blocked from doing business.

It is illegal for non-governmental actors to share people’s social security numbers with each other. The problem is, if you contact the feds about this, they support the crooks, because they’re crooks, too!

In case, the above link should disappear, old immigration hand Fred Elbel, of, has re-posted it at his site.

“The reality of lawfare and cancel culture

Although in the course of 18 years (2004-2022) of working for him, Peter beat any sympathy I might have had for him out of me, I will say that what black supremacist, criminal general Letitia James and her accomplices did to Peter and Lydia is characteristic of what transpires in a totalitarian country.

“America” is a totalitarian country.


  1. You wrote for VDare a lot more than I did--my first paid piece was in early 2011. I don't recall the date I stopped submitting pieces, but I had grown tired of Peter promising to publish something and assuring me that I could respond--and then nothing happened. However, it is crime what was done to him--this is no longer a free country.

  2. W did you have any sympathy for Peter Brimelow "beaten out of" you during your association between 2004-2022. Please explain.

  3. Why are you out with outs with Peter Brimelow because of your 18-year association? Please explain


    GRA:J.D. Vance had a long interview with Margaret Brennan,today,and similar to last month's appearance on "Meet(the Commie)Press" with Kristin Welker,easily batted down attacks on him and President Trump with ease.

    Vance was very quick in repelling any pro-democratic assertions Brennan tried to make about the harris/biden border and economic policies--he's a very impressive debater--and he handled her with no difficulty. I only wish Vance could have debated harris--during which,a verbal slaughter would have been inflicted on her in no time flat--and afterwards, a clean-up crew called in to mop up what was left of where harris had been standing at.

