Thursday, August 01, 2024

uk media machine taking it even farther than “Trayvonizing” racist ‘groid killer of 3 little girls; with their racism, they sound like fake president/real gangster Joe Biden

By Jerry PDX
thursday, august 1, 2024 at 11:07:00 p.m. edt

uk media machine taking it even farther than “Trayvonizing” racist ‘groid killer of 3 little girls:

Note the article spends more time insinuating White racist nationalism is what’s really motivating the unrest over the murders.

Check out this paragraph:

“Starmer said the government was establishing a national unit across police forces to tackle violent disorder including shared intelligence, wider deployment of facial recognition technology and preventative action such as orders to restrict the movement of persistent offenders.”

My question is: Why aren’t they expending that much effort to identify thwart islamic mass killers or paki rape gangs?

Oh that’s right, it’s only when Whites get restless that they make that kind of effort.

Article also claims that speculation about the perp’s origins are false:

“police have said the attack was not terrorism-related and that the suspect was born in britain, quashing speculation on his origins.”

Who cares if he was born in the uk? He’s an evil, racist, violent ‘groid whose parents should never have been allowed to migrate. If they weren’t in the country, that little pos would never have been born here and those 3 little girls would still be alive. Nobody needs to know anything else.

N.S.: His attack was clearly a terrorist attack. The uk cops are peeing on the public’s leg, and telling it that it’s raining. It's just like the way cops have for years told the public that obvious, racially-motivated black-on-White attacks were "not racially motivated."


  1. The perp's about as English as a coconut.


  2. 3 girls died. I think he stabbed 10. It's horrific. This should be a death penalty offense
