Sunday, August 04, 2024

there are now brown band-aids to reflect the "browning" of America; not a joke

sunday, august 4, 2024 at 11:57:56 a.m. edt

there are now brown band-aids to relfect the "browning" of America. Not a joke.

Say, why no Band-Aids reflecting the colors of the African National Congress?

No different than the year I spent working for Geico Insurance in a suburban call center here in Dallas. The colors of the ANC were ubiquitous in the Geico office.

As for the how and why of me discovering these cocoa-colored Band-Aids...

. .... I didn't.

The product came up on my Amazon suggestion feed.

Most likely because I ordered some brownie mix for my sister back East.

Either that, or it's because Jeff Bezos is engaged to a wise Latina.

Say, why don't the cocoa-colored Band-Aids come in in boxes the size of freight cars?

That way the denizens of Chicago, Philly, D.C. and Baltimore would never run out.


  1. Speaking of that,I heard on cbs radio that Mattel was proudly announcing,"the release of the first black barbie doll with downs syndrome."

    Is THAT what the black's problem is?

    A true story,btw.


  2. There was a Liberal journalist (now deceased) named Don Thompson who once said Crayola crayons were "racist" because they had a "flesh" crayon that was obviously Caucasian-hued. This was way back in the 80s. At the time, my reaction was "Are people like this for real?" Now, it's standard thinking.

  3. But where are the yellow band-aids for Chinese and rainbow band-aids for queers (they may already have AIDS but need Band-Aids)?
    Irish need to demand lily white band-aids with freckles.

  4. Obviously the smart and amoral business executives know where the money is. How long until they recycle GI Joe figures with Crips, Bloods, and Cartel action figures?
