Saturday, August 03, 2024

"'teen' females arrested for attacking White female in DC in daylight"

By "W"
friday, july 26, 2024 at 02:01:21 a.m. edt

"'teen' females arrested for attacking White female in DC in daylight" "they thought it was funny."

Note that nbc washington, dc asks for the public's help in identifying additional attacks by these "teens" without describing them. So we suspected these were black-on-White hate crimes.

when we went to usa9 they released a video showing black sheboons running after attacking the White female in broad daylight:

Wherever there are blacks, there is danger! NNN=No one needs negroes

These congoid "teens" are why I support abortion. If they hadn't been hatched, they wouldn't be attacking Whites. "No people, no problem!" (attributed to Stalin)

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