Tuesday, August 06, 2024

"nyc journalist [sic] charged with hate crimes for antisemitic vandalism"... but wait a minute--guess who the suspect is?! And his lawyer unwittingly confessed for him! (photos)

Terrorism victim and brooklyn museum director, Anne Pasternak: I could understand much more aggressive acts by art lovers. Pasternak and the people who have run the brooklyn museum into the ground for generations hate art, and support ugliness. To Pasternak and her ilk, she is posing here in front of a work of "art."

By N.S.

artnews claims that this is Anne Pasternak's home. Either Pasternak is extremely rich, and owns at least two luxury homes, or the post or artnews misidentified one residence as hers.

"nyc journalist charged with hate crimes for antisemitic vandalism — including at home of brooklyn museum's Jewish director"

"Samuel Seligson, 32, was picked up tuesday and charged with hate crimes for allegedly vandalizing the home of brooklyn museum director Anne Pasternak."

Close-up of the front of Anne Pasternak's apartment building

“nyc journalist charged with hate crimes for antisemitic vandalism — including at home of brooklyn museum’s Jewish director”
By Amanda Woods, Joe Marino and Steve Janoski
Aug. 6, 2024, 4:27 p.m. ET
new york post

The nazis' message

“cops busted a new york city journalist who allegedly joined a group of antisemitic vandals that splattered red paint on several new york city homes two months ago — including one belonging to the head of the brooklyn museum.

“Samuel Seligson, 32, was picked up tuesday and charged with two counts of third-degree hate crimes / criminal mischief for the vandalism, which cops said was done by five facemask-clad bandits who spray-painted slogans on the homes of museum board members accusing them of funding genocide.

“but cops wouldn’t say exactly what role Seligson — an independent videographer who was also arrested in may at a pro-‘palestine’ protest — had during the attacks.

“a law enforcement source told the associated press that Seligson wasn’t accused of participating in the attacks, only filming them….”

[N.S.: What idiocy and dishonesty. His going with the other criminals, in order to film their crimes, was his participation in the crime! And this is what so-called law enforcement has come to!

All people with names like Seligson that I have encountered, were Jews. However, with rampant intermarriage, at least half of the people with traditionally Jewish names—e.g., Sulzberger—are no longer Jews. I’m not sure there are any Stixes left who are still Jews.]

“The group also sprayed an upside-down, red triangle on her door — a symbol used by hummus to identify Israeli military targets — during its early-morning raid [?!] on june 12.”

This was not a “raid.” A raid is an act of law enforcement or the military. This was an act of terrorism. And Samuel Seligson is no journalist, though he is what passes for one among racial socialists/communists.

The confession: “Seligson’s attorney, Leena Widdi, described the arrest and charges as an ‘appalling’ overreach by police against a recognized journalist with a city-issued press credential who has licensed and sold footage to mainstream outlets like abc news and Reuters.

“‘Samuel is being charged for alleged behavior that is protected by the first amendment and consistent with his job as a credentialed member of the press,’ Widdi said in a statement. ‘what is even more concerning, however, is that this member of the press is being charged with a hate crime.’”

I’ve got news for Leena Widdi: terrorism is not protected by the first amendment.

Note that to Seligson and his fellow terrorists, Israel is guilty of “genocide” simply for defending itself after the arab nazis’ 10/7 sneak attack that slaughtered 1,200 Jews, in which they also gang-raped many Jewish girls and women, and took 251 Jews hostage, raping and murdering many of them, in pursuance of Holocaust II.


Samuel Seligson

1 comment:

  1. black cop.Hilarious(what an upstanding moment of history.)

