Saturday, August 03, 2024

metro-washington,dc: dusky suspects in 2 recent fatal carjackings

Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 11:11:37 PM EDT
Subject: metro-washington,dc: dusky suspects in 2 recent fatal carjackings

pix of suspect stealing SUV which he then used to run over the owner in parking lot:

carjacker runs over (likely White) female car owner at shopping center in sterling, md. police not releasing details about the reported culprit:

Will the public ever be allowed to make the connection between racial integration and crime? Since passage of the 1964 Civil Right Act and "open housing" how many Whites have been victims of assault, including rape and murder? What will it take to end the reign of terror inflicted on Whites by congoids and spicanos? There are no safe places where congoids and spicanos are permitted.
NNN=No one needs negroes

1 comment:

  1. Segregation in a city would never work anymore--they wouldn't stay in their boundried areas. Police chiefs,mayors and school leaders are all black,as are the cities,in large part.Give blacks three or four southern states to destroy and money to move there--they'd be on their own.Then we work on deporting the mex. Yes,there'd be some economic adjustment,but after a while,inflation would go down and so would our budget deficit.

