Friday, August 09, 2024

illegally elected, black supremacist, nation of islam nyc mayor Eric Adams: We will fight against homeless encampments, homeless encampments, homeless encampments and homeless encampments (but only in a one block corner of manhattan)… no commenting permitted, except at WEJB/NSU!

By Nicholas Stix

This “thing” was posted at the new york city patch. patch is a chain of local noise web sites, broken down by entire cities, and neighborhoods within those cities. Thus, the same story will be sent out in duplicates to readers on the mailing lists for a neighborhood and a city.

To my knowledge, patch does not pay writers. Thus, it is a gold mine for its owners, Charles “Charlie” C. Hale (chairman and ceo), and president, Warren St. John.

Several months ago, national management informed readers that it was eliminating commenting, in order to “improve” readers’ experience of the site.

“new york city — city officials are implementing a new initiative to curb crime and improve quality of life along a manhattan street….

“police officials along with the new york city department of sanitation (dsny), new york city department of homeless services (dhs), among others will focus their efforts on 1st avenue and avenue a.

“the multi-agency coalition will work to address a range of public safety issues, including illegal vending, retail theft, substance use [sic], the mental health crisis, beautification, cumbersome scaffolding that drives quality-of-life issues, unlicensed cannabis shops, and more.

“when we came into office, we had a clear mission: protect public safety, rebuild our economy, and make our city more affordable and livable, and the ‘14th street community improvement coalition’ precisely addresses these concerns — enhancing quality of life and making the east village safer,” mayor [sic] Eric Adams said….

“The initiative will also:

• “conducting weekly nypd operations to address homeless encampments, vendors, and persons in need of assistance [read: the homeless].

• “assigning a dedicated nypd foot post to address quality-of-life issues [homelessness] and maintain visible presence along the commercial corridor of 14th

• “affixing mobile light fixtures to sustain visibility.

• “servicing litter baskets on all three dsny shifts daily and addressing homeless encampments.

• “deploying dsny graffiti clean-up crews to remove graffiti on private property.

• “ensuring availability of mental health units and homeless services outreach teams to support people in-need of mental health support [the homeless] through dohmh and dhs.” [dhs: department of homeless services]

1 comment:


    If Adams is selected,
    And he is re-elected,
    New York gets re-infected,
    With the Adams' fambilee.

    T'was once our greatest city,
    New York is now just shi*ty,
    Another rotten ditty,
    On the Adams' fambilee.

    (Harpsichord plays,fingers snap)
    The whores,
    Street wars,
    Abandoned stores.

    One sure thing that I figure,
    The next mayor is a nig*er,
    By hook or crook or trigger,
    Another nig we'll see.

