Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Watch Tucker Carlson’s first speech since the Trump shooting here (#65)

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From: Tucker Carlson Network <teamtucker@mail.tuckercarlson.com>
To: "add1dda@aol.com" <add1dda@aol.com>
Sent: tuesday, july 16, 2024 at 01:28:18 p.m. edt

subject: watch Tucker Carlson's first speech since the Trump shooting here

"the rnc is in milwaukee, and so is Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson Network
"bravery in the face of chaos is an irrevocable prerequisite for leadership. you can't run a country if you're not willing to make a sacrifice for it.

"Donald Trump demonstrated just that on saturday. how many other politicians would refuse to cower, waving a fist in the air, mere moments after being shot in the head? that kind of fortitude, which is impossible to fake, is what makes Trump different. and he's going to win the election because of it.

"Tucker Carlson touched on that, J.D. Vance joining the republican ticket, and more in his first speech since the attempt on the president's life, and it's available to stream now on TuckerCarlson.com. click the image below to watch.

Tucker Carlson Live

"before his speech, Tucker sat down with country singer John Rich for a new episode of the Tucker Carlson show. yesterday was an enormous news day, and our cameras were rolling as one of this century's biggest stories, the dropping of the Trump classified documents charges, broke in real-time.

"click the image below to watch and see Tucker's immediate analysis of that historic and breaking news.

The Tucker Carlson Show

"from Tucker's reaction:

"it does seem like everything has aligned in the period of [the last] three days to make it very obvious Donald Trump is going to be the next president… we're in the middle of history."

America's press continues to lie about Donald Trump even after he was almost killed. Our media ecosystem has never needed honest commentary more, and TCn is proud to provide it.

Do you want to listen to the Tucker Carlson show in podcast form? Follow the show



  1. Tucker also believes "something stinks here",with the way Saturday's events transpired.


  2. Carlson was interviewed by a female(on YouTube) and he sounded convinced there was something sinister afoot,by someone in charge of security.

