Sunday, July 14, 2024

The President Reminds One of Another of His Predecessors (#29)

The President with his fist raised, surrounded by worthless ss

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, July 14, 2024 at 12:13:00 a.m. edt

I repeat: The luck that Mr. Trump experienced today—and witnessed by the nation, was incredible—off the charts. A slight micromillimeter in variation of the bullet’s path and we would have seen the JFK scenario again, 60 1/2 years later.

I’m not surprised, as I said, that an assassination attempt would happen, but I’m shocked at how close it came to succeeding and the tiny difference in the bullet’s trajectory that caused it to fail.


By Nicholas Stix

In a single battle, the Battle of the Monongahela, on July 9, 1755, Indians witnessed 23-year-old Colonel George Washington get shot through his uniform coat four times, and two separate horses get shot out from under him, yet he came out of the battle without a scratch. Each of the shots coursed sideways through his coat. The Injuns concluded that such luck could only be explained, as that the Gods were on Washington’s side.

However, given how many murderous enemies the President has, I suggest that he not make a habit of tempting fate.

The Battle of the Monongahela


  1. Yes,how many lives does a "Trump" get?


  2. Washington in battle. Teddy R. shot and finishing his speech.
