Tuesday, July 02, 2024

republican lawyer has a come-to-Jesus moment on immigration

By An Old Friend
tuesday, july 2, 2024 at 08:18:30 p.m. edt

John Hinderaker: "[M]ass third-world immigration is the ultimate issue ..."

"... dividing the left (various elites) from the right (everyone else) across much of the Western world. And on this issue a large majority, in every country I know of, are on the side of the 'far right.' Whether the majority will get the policies they want, or will be frustrated by establishment legerdemain, remains to be seen."

That's the final paragraph here: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/07/ganging-up-on-the-populists.php

N.S.: Oh, so a republican lawyer finally notes the immigration issue. But he's not honest enough to admit that his racket destroyed the country through its genocidal racism.


  1. Maybe he can start a tv network for Whites or begin an organization,you know,to atone for his stupidity.


  2. Got news for Hinderaker - and Trump - and 99% of Republicans: There's one issue that's even more ultimater than immigration - and that's SPENDING. You totally blew it last summer when you went along with The Greene New Deal, the $ 1.5 Trillion debt ceiling increase. (named for Marjorie, who was being loyal to Her Dear Kevin, and also Thomas Massie, who went full phony on us all and voted for it twice, once on the Rules Committee where he could have blocked it from going to the House floor, and again on the final vote). That's how you funded another year of Obamunism.

    If the spending isn't fixed, it's going to be Game Over and nothing else will matter, not even immigration or nuclear war or rigged elections. You have one more chance coming up in September.

    Either way, the headlines will be "Women and Minorities Hardest-Hit".

  3. "let’s conclude with the observation that mass third-world immigration is the ultimate issue dividing the left (various elites) from the right (everyone else) across much of the Western world"

    At least until the missiles with atomic warheads begin to fly.
