Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Rep. Cory Mills (r-fl) says the assassination attempt and murder during Trump rally, due to “intentional failures”; “will put together j-13 committee to get to the truth” (#74)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, july 16, 2024 at 11:37:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) former sniper and defense contractor rep. Cory Mills (r-fl) triggered a cnn host on tuesday after suggesting that ‘intentional’ failures may have resulted in the assassination attempt on [President] Donald Trump on saturday.

“‘the amount of negligence, the amount of mistakes that was made here, I have a very difficult time not leaning myself towards this was intentional, as opposed to fecklessness,’ Mills told anchor Kate Bolduan.

“‘if I have a building 160 yards perfectly adjacent to the stage, that’s an obvious threat,’ he continued. ‘especially with an elevated position that has overwatch? that’s a sniper’s paradise.

“Mills, an iraq war veteran and former dyncorp security specialist, co-founded private security company pacem defense, and says he’s overseen security for thousands of events.

“after a stunned Boulduan pressed Mills, he replied: ‘I sit here and scratch my head. you don’t want to be the conspiracist. that’s the issue. you walk this fine balance, but you look at it and think, ‘how could this have gone so wrong?

“meanwhile, journalist Laura Loomer spoke with Mills outside the republican national convention, where he told her that he plans to create a ‘j13 committee’ that’s ‘bigger than the J6 committee,’ and that he will push to be in charge of it.”

GRA: He’ll need more luck than President Trump had to get “the truth.”



  1. Because the J-6 Committee Second Edition did such a great job undoing the damage caused the Liz Cheney First Edition. It was a debating contest, establishing facts that never made it into The Narrative... but didn't get anybody out of the dungeon, didn't effect any changes in the "dirty rotten stinking corrupt toilet" of DC justice (Mark Steyn's formulation), didn't effect any changes in DOJ/FBI/Capitol Police, didn't manage to hold anyone "accountable" (MTG's social media catchphrase), didn't cut anybody's budget or get anybody fired, and apparently won't even try to block the change of venue for Ashli Babbitt's family's lawsuit - to DC courts with those genius DC juries, of course.

    Sure, let's all get excited and put all our hopes into the Republicans assembling another Committee to Hold Hearings and fix all our problems in the next 110 or so days, minus breaks for the September spending "crisis" and going home to campaign for re-election.

    We'll call it the Worn Commission, as in Worn-Out.

  2. Someone on zh said,"They're going to appoint Elizabeth Warren to look into the assassination attempt--a Warren Commission II--which would at least be as corrupt and secretive as the first Warren Commission.

