Sunday, July 14, 2024

msnbc operative Jonathan Alter orders anyone who would criticize communists/racial socialists who incited failed assassination attempt to remain silent! (#31)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, july 14, 2024 at 2:33:00 a.m. edt

Jonathan Alter was interviewed about the “incident” and he brought up J.D. Vance again. Alter whined that “you shouldn’t say that people who accuse Trump of ending democracy are responsible for this. You CANNOT say that.”

Alter’s suggestion? “We need to get rid of Trump in the political arena, so the country won’t be divided. Someone new needs to show up for republicans, who will decrease the divide.”

I’m sure he’d like a blackie, trannie, to lead a republican ticket to go with a blackie, trannie to lead a democratic ticket.

He’s right. That would unite a lot of people to hate both parties and not vote—which they (people like Alter) don't care about. It’s all about the agenda and pushing the sicko, commie philosophy forward.




    "We must condemn violence."

    A variation of "this must stop."

    "We must lower the temperature of our disagreements."

    Yawn.Until they (he)raises it again.

    He said the word,"democracy" at least 10 times.

    A code word that infers Trump is against it.

    The dems view of democracy is much different from actual "democracy".When they get their way,it's democracy.When they don't,it isn't.


  2. "You CANNOT say that.”

    How DARE the man. Actually thank you sir. You tell us about yourself and your minions with your words. No benefit of the doubt for you.

  3. "The country is divided."

    You hear this all the time,but why is the country divided?Demographics and media.

    The White population has shrunk to 60 some percent from a high of 95% in the mid 20th century.blacks have caused a major change in the attitude of ALL people,regarding violence.Murder is how blacks solve many of their disagreements. That,along with rap music,has affected White teens--all of whom have only known black crime and mass murders(mostly by blacks)in their lifetimes.Some Whites,influenced by blacks,see this as a way to resolve their conflicts.

    Media and the internet have pushed it over the top.It's been criminal in my opinion--incitement to riot is a crime.Incitement to shoot a president is also a crime--and that's what media has done the last many months and years.

    I'm for free speech,but not when it results in murder and an attempted assassination.

