Friday, July 05, 2024

"latest fallout from Biden’s border madness: ‘vip’ smuggling tunnels"

By Merlin
Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 01:47:12 PM EDT

Latest fallout from Biden's border madness: 'VIP' smuggling tunnels

What is the Biden Crime Family's "cut" of the cartels' earning$ at the border "the family" demolished on the day Lieden arrived in the WH?

Latest fallout from Biden's border madness: 'VIP' smuggling tunnel terror

The cartels offer VIP "travel agency" packages that include passage through tunnels between Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas.

The fee: from $6,000 to $15,000, per US and Mexican law-enforcement officials and migrants themselves.

One migrant smuggler says Chinese migrants pay up to $75,000.

No wonder so-called VIP smuggling now accounts for 70% of cartels' criminal activity.

Migrants get squeezed.

Criminal cartels get rich.

And Americans get saddled with more illegal newcomers who may cross over totally undetected — and unvetted (though vetting of most border-jumpers has gotten pretty spotty).

There's no denying Biden policies have given rise to this new mini-industry, along with all the other migrant-disaster fallout.

His invitacion to foreigners as a candidate in 2020 — promising a 100-day moratorium on deportations, protection for sanctuary cities from federal law-enforcement agencies and a rollback of all Donald Trump's successful measures to control the border — set off a tsunami of migrants itching to get in any way they could.

Local, state and federal programs pushed by the left offering a wide range of free services — from accommodations to schooling to legal services — only sped up the flow.

And as word got out, people came from ever farther away: When Biden first took office, the hordes came mainly from Mexico and Central America.

Hence Veep Kamala Harris' apparently-abandoned mission to address the "root causes" of mass illegal migration from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador — seems quaint now, doesn't it?

Now they come from Africa, South America and even Asia: Hundreds a year just from land-locked terror-hotbed Tajikstan — like the eight with ISIS ties recently nabbed in three major US cities.

With that sustained volume, of course the cartels came up with the VIP scheme.

Yet many who sign up for the VIP packages wind up running out of money and stuck hanging out with hundreds of other waiting-to-cross migrants in the camps along the Rio Grande, the report notes.

Some even get abducted — by criminal groups or even corrupt police — and kept in safe houses until they come up with enough cash to pay their VIP balances.

Meanwhile, the tunnel-service is also an open door for terrorists: No chance of being vetted on your way into the US interior.

Yes, corruption, particularly on the Mexican side, plays a key role in keeping this perverse business alive.

But it wouldn't be possible in the first place if Biden hadn't ensured that the Border Patrol was completely overwhelmed on a daily basis.

Remember: Obama Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson said 1,000 illegal crossers a day was a crisis for border agencies; under Biden, it never gets that low.

And it won't even if Biden's supposed "crackdown" ever happens (it's been two weeks and we're still waiting).

The cartels are thrilled.

For everyone else, it's just more madness.



    --Hollywood Reporter

    George Stephanopoulos repeatedly hammered president biden with questions on his mental state and whether he is fit for what is ultimately one of the most demanding jobs in the world. After years at it, could it have taken a toll on him?

    biden replied, “I think it cost me a bad night.” The president then listed elements of his plans for the country if he were to be reelected, but not before saying, “I don’t believe we’re a country of losers. I don’t think America is in tough shape.”

    “This next term, I’m going to make sure we straighten out the tax system, make sure we’re in a situation where we have health care for all people, or in a position where we have child care and elder care,” he said. “Free up and all these things.”

    Towards the end of the interview, in which Biden stumbled a number of times and like on the night of the debate, seemed to confuse his words and jump around in his answers, he was asked how he’d feel if after he put up the fight of his life for reelection and lost, leaving the country with the man he’s warned against so harshly.

    “If Trump wins in November, I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and did the goodest job I know I could do, that’s what it’s all about,” he said.

    GRA:I didn't watch it because I don't need convincing one way or another about biden's mental acuity.



    has also canceled Joe Biden’s Sunday fundraiser in Philly after he had a MEDICAL EMERGENCY on Air Force One today.🚨

    Massive coverup is now taking place by the Biden HQ to cover up what I have reported.

    Traveling pool is being stonewalled on why they were canceled on today by the Biden campaign after being told they could travel with Biden.

    Today, as Biden was having his medical emergency, Traveling press was abruptly told they couldn’t travel with Biden, and now his fundraiser in Wisconsin planned for later this month has been canceled.

    GRA:I could crack jokes,but the guy is on his last legs.

    Oh,what the hell--"medical emergency"--no one brought Depends on the plane.



    Leading Report
    BREAKING: Reports of Biden experiencing a medical emergency appear to be false, as he was seen landing in Wilmington, Delaware, after his campaign event in Wisconsin.

    There is no confirmation at this moment if he recovered on the flight or if reports were false.
    8:27 PM · Jul 5, 2024

    GRA:The White House denied the Loomer story.


  4. It used to be the Chinese were smuggled into USA for $30,000 a pop. But was contingent on their working for seven years as an indentured servant.

    And Biden should be worried about an escalation in Ukraine. Calamity might occur.


    (ZH)A Parkinson's disease specialist from Walter Reed Medical Center visited the White House at least nine times in the past year, according to journalist Alex Berenson of Unreported Truths, while the NY Post has reported that a cardiologist was present during one of the visits.

    Dr. Kevin R Cannard traveled to the White House's medical clinic each time, meeting with either President Joe Biden's personal physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor, or a naval nurse who coordinates care for the president and other senior officials. O'Connor notably gave Biden a clean bill of health after his February annual physical.

    GRA:A clean bill of health except for....that disease that begins with a "P". Makes sense.

