Monday, July 22, 2024

Is Joe Biden Alive?

By AbolishTenure
monday, july 22, 2024 at 8:13:00 a.m. edt

Hmmm... Is Joe Biden Alive?.

Don’t worry, Hunter. All the pardons are in the bottom right desk drawer, pre-signed. Just remind Sadie to fill in the date, and if there have been more charges filed, there’s enough blank space for her to add them in. Besides, those clowns in the house are busy chasing a new shiny object, the cheetos hearings. It’s just a fundraiser for them. That should run out the clock between now and november.


  1. M*U*S*H(episode 2),the show where the 4077th attempt to take care of and re-animate joe biden on a daily basis.

    (White House medical room)

    Trapper John:We're losing him,the heart massage isn't working today.

    Hawkeye:Say the secret word and you win an honorable discharge.

    Klinger:Is the word,"DEAD"?

    Hawkeye:Sorry,Klinger,only men in uniform are eligible to play.

    Margaret:What's the diagnosis,doctors?

    Trapper John:An embedded infection in his gastrointestinal tract is shutting down his heart.

    Col.Blake:We'd better get Vice President Harris in here to do her stuff--as a last resort.

    Hawkeye:Radar,I suggest you leave,if you don't want to go blind at a young age.


    (Five minutes later)

    Trapper John:Nice call,Henry,Kamala cleared out the blockage in biden's upper g.i.--through his urethra--in record time.

    Hawkeye:She also sucked out his heart and kidneys.


    Frank Burns:No wonder they chose her to be President over Michelle Obama.

    Hawkeye:FRANK,you can't live without a heart or kidneys--she suctioned too hard--the patient is DEAD!

    Trapper John:And so is our new show--M*U*S*H.

    Frank:Ohh,Margaret,I'd like to see you in your tent for a short time.

    Margaret:Forget it,Frank.

    Kamala(waving hand):Major Burns,I have a little time,before I have to take the oath of office.

    (They walk off)

    Hawkeye:Well I never would have guessed that's how our show was going to end.

    Colonel Blake:Hey,I just got word they want us to stick around for the next president--whoever it is.

    Trapper John:They'd better write better scripts than this one,no one would ever believe it for a minute.

    Hawkeye:I certainly don't believe it--and I was here.

    Colonel Blake:Let's go to the bar,I'll buy the first round.

    Hawkeye:And it's not getting any more believable,Henry.

    Henry:You kidders.

    (They slowly walk to the White House main bar)



  2. On a website called il donaldo trumpo,they play an A I version of biden calling in to show he's alive. It's 14 seconds of the funniest impersonation that he's been kidnapped. I laughed out loud,bigly.


  3. "Is Joe with Beau?"
    (from ZH)

