Monday, July 15, 2024

Close-up photo of would-be presidential assassin (#51)

Re-posted by N.S.


  1. The search for"motive",one of my top 5 media dislikes,is being asked about Thomas Crooks.


    Insignificant.Finding "motive" will not stop the next attempt
    on the next politician--he had his reasons.

    Media wants to find out,but only if the reason can be used against Trump or a second amendment agenda.

    A former high school classmate of Crooks said he was a failure in rifle class--couldn't hit anything.Was Crooks attempting to prove something?Who knows--who cares?

    He did it--and he was allowed to do it.

    The question should be:What was the S.S. motive in allowing Crooks to get his shots off?

    Answer:To injure/kill the speaker on that stage around 6 p.m.


  2. When was the last time a black murderer's "motive" was ever told by media after a rare arrest or conviction?

    I just thought of that.All the shootings,stabbings or arsons that blacks commit,that resulted in a black or White's death--and motive is never revealed--EVER.

    Motive is another worthless piece of media deflection,meant to make us look one way,when it's in 99% of the cases,it's a fake out.


  3. "Kathy Griffin?"

    NO, but Kathy needs to dwell on that image the rest of her life. Not fantasy as with you Kathy. Real live man now gone after takin a high-power round to the head.
