Monday, July 01, 2024

black female serial killer? the female equivalent to Billy Chemirmir? raceless texas woman is suspected of having murdered 21 or more people

black female serial killer? the female equivalent to Billy Chemirmir? raceless texas woman is suspected of having murdered 21 or more people

By Jerry PDX
saturday, june 29, 2024 at 3:50:00 p.m. edt

“a texas woman already charged with the endangerment of one person and the murder of another may be connected to the deaths of up to 20 other individuals, police say. and it’s all in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

[N.S.: Bull. Yes, Regla Becquer surely is greedy, but killers kill. Although they like to enrich themselves off of their victims, and might start murdering them primarily out of greed, they will kill, even when there is little or nothing to gain materially. It becomes a habit. Look at the late kenyan serial killer, Billy Chemirmir. He wasn’t making much off of his many murders. And south african serial killer Muziwokuthula Madonda made nothing off of most of his known murder victims. Hmmm. Why are we imporeting black african serial killers, while refusing admission to White african immigrants? Don’t we have enough black American serial killers?]

And yes, I know a couple of (non-White) female serial killers who’ve never never been charged with a crime. (I went to the authorities about them, but they weren’t interested.) And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.]

“the unlicensed love & caring for people llc was founded by Regla ‘Su’ Becquer and advertised as a company that provided in-house care for people with bed-bound health conditions across five homes in Tarrant county, according to Arlington police.”

How she was responsible for people dying is not clear, police appear are still investigating, so we’ll have to wait and see what information comes out in the future.

[N.S.: Nothing is going to come out in the future—she had almost all of her victims cremated. There’s your information. She was a sadist, who loved torturing her victims, but she also knew what she was doing. Note, too, that the authorities and the msm increasingly bury such stories, and msn has already subtracted two of her alleged vics, reducing the “alleged” body count to 19.]

In contrast to black male serial killers, who are wildly overrepresented, black female serial killers are rare. black ones appear to even be rarer than White ones. At least, I have not been able to find many reports of them. I do think black women are well (if not more so) represented as mass killers, or as murderers in general, but I’ve only seen a very few reports of black women being serial killers, and they always seem to have been operating in concert with men. If somebody knows of any, I’d like to get their names.

Women don’t have that sexual motive to kill, like men do. They have a different biology and since some sort of sexual psychosis is what drives most serial killers, they are almost always men. But when profit is at stake, women are quite capable of multiple killings also.

[N.S.: msn took the "thing" from the black supremacist blog, the root, which gave the story the phony headline, "one texas business scammer could be involved in 19 deaths, police say." Granted the fake news plays the same games. They say "involved in," rather than guilty of. the root went beyond that, in reducing the numbers of possible murder vics from 21 or more, to 19.]

mug shot of suspected mass serial killer Regla Becquer


  1. jerry pdx
    Yes, she probably does have sadistic impulses. I do wonder if her victims were all, or mostly, White. Makes it even more likely she was getting sadistic pleasure at causing their deaths. Women can also be "thrill" killers, along with profit motive killers, enjoying the adrenaline surge of causing death. Compounded with racial hatred. Not the same as the sexual one but seems in certain cases to be just as powerful an urge.

  2. Or are police just trying to dump a lot of unsolved murders on this negress to say,"case closed."

    Or am I being cynical?


  3. Blame one blackie for a lot of murders saves time and keeps other killer blacks out of prison.

    How convenient.


  4. Steven “Kelly” Pankratz

    Steven a white dude from search engine images. How many deceased whitey the percentage of the whole. I fear all.
