Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Believe this, if you will: "abc noise exec was ‘furious’ after George Stephanopoulos said Biden can't serve another white house term"

By N.S.

abc news exec was ‘furious’ after George Stephanopoulos said Biden can't serve another white house term: report

"Stephanopoulos, 63, was told by the network’s news division head, Debra O’Connell, that “he is a newsman who is expected to be objective,” according to radar online, after video footage..."

A "newsman"? "Objective"? Is this a joke?


  1. "Objective" FOR Biden,is what she meant.

    "The View" crew of cackling shrews is fully on board--"Ridin' with biden"--even the so called ex-GOPer--who used to work for Trump.

    Whoopie Goldberg said she "didn't care if biden pooped his pants or could say a sentence.I have poopie days too."

    Poopie Goldberg,in other words--her new name from me.

    So Stephanopoulos had his warning.He'll be a good boy now


  2. This is becoming at least a 1944 again. Everyone knew FDR should not have run for a fourth term but no one had the nerve to approach him and say time to retire boss.

    You CANNOT have a man as President if even there is the slightest doubt about his mental state. Has his finger on the nuclear trigger. That alone is grounds for ineligibility.

  3. Here's a reboot of M*A*S*H,I'll call...


    (Mostly Unfixable Symptoms Hospice)in the White House.

    Starring Alan Alda(Hawkeye),Wayne Rogers(Trapper John)
    McLean Stevenson(Col.Blake)Larry Linville(Frank Burns)Loretta Swit(Hot Lips)Gary Burghoff(Radar)and Jamie Farr(Klinger)--all transferred to Washington D.C. to take care of(and re-animate)joe biden on a daily basis.

    (The White House medical room)

    Colonel Blake:All right people,it's 11 a.m.,"you know who" will be getting out of bed soon and coming in for his morning surgery.

    Trapper John:What are his symptoms today,Henry?

    Hawkeye:After yesterday's operation by Major Burns,probably decomposition.

    Blake:Why's that,Pierce?

    Hawkeye: It was my and Trap's day off--Frank was the only person on duty--and they don't call him "Ferret Face Kevorkian" for nothing.


    Trapper John:Radar,we're not in Korea anymore--there are no helicopters bringing wounded in.

    Radar:I'm talking about biden's choppers,sir--a bunch of his teeth fell out overnight.According to Major Houlihan,he needs 20 of them implanted.

    Hawkeye:Are we treating joe biden or Gabby Hayes?

    Blake:Knock it off,Pierce,we have a job to do here--make the president appear as if he's really alive.

    (Swinging doors open)

    Here he comes--Klinger and a White House orderly are bringing him in on a stretcher.

    Trapper John:Which one's Klinger?ALL the White House male staff wear dresses these days.

    Klinger:Perverts--every one of them--SIR--they tried to look under my DRESS!

    Hawkeye:You have to have balls to want to do that to Klinger.

    Trapper John:Literally--AND be a fruitcake.

    Blake:Radar,go get Margaret...

    Radar:I brought Major Houlihan in,Colonel,just like you ordered.

    Blake:Thanks,Radar,what needs to be done this morning,Major?

    Hot Lips:Blood transfusions,experimental Parkinsons medicine injected,teeth implants,open heart massage to get him moving.

    Hawkeye(singing):And a partridge in a pear tree.All right,let's crack this nut open.

    Frank:That's no way to talk about our president.

    Hawkeye:I was talking about YOU,Frank,but now that you mention it...

    Trapper John:You retract,Hawk,I'll do the heart massage.

    Blake:He's coming around,good work doctors.Sew him up.

    biden:I beat medicare--I'm SERIOUS.

    Hawkeye:That's as good as we're going to get this cadaver in chief to speak right now,transfer him to orthodontics.

    biden:I'm a 6 handicap.

    Hawkeye:But that's just in your little finger--the rest of you is a thousand.Take him away Klinger.

    Klinger:Yes SIR.

    Trapper John:Let's hit "the swamp" for a beverage or three.

    Hawkeye:I thought you'd never ask.

    Frank:When Donald Trump wins this year,he's going to get rid of "the swamp"--THEN what are you going to do?

    Hawkeye:Wrong swamp,Frank--but thanks for playing our little game we like to call,"The Weakest Link"--and we're looking right at him.


    (Hawkeye and Trapper,walk away laughing)

    Hawkeye(raising a martini glass full of hootch):Here's to M*U*S*H--our nickname for biden's brains.

    Trapper John:It could be the name of a TV show.

    Hawkeye:I'll drink to that--never happening.

    (Clink glasses)


  4. jerry pdx
    Yet another heart attack waiting to happen negro gets himself killed:

    Family is "demanding" answers about their homeless "gentle giant" fambly member dying after entering the ladies bathroom and causing a disturbance at a hotel.

    They've got their answers. He's a pervert who went into a women's bathroom for some kind of sexual gratification. He resisted when security tried to apprehend him and the altercation caused some kind of physical distress that killed him. Probably his heart gave out but a man that size in his 40's, living on the streets with God knows what substance or other health issues usually has something going on that could be triggered by a physically traumatic event. Fambly members (with dollars signs in their eyes) are questioning why a group of security people had to go to such lengths to hold him down...duh, he's the size of a volkswagon people, it's gonna take more than one person to control him. They're trying to turn this one into Floyd pt. II and judging from the lurid healines, they may succeed.

    1. Yup,they're attempting a "floyd redux",Jerry.Every presidential election year?blm and democrats must not have given the word to riot yet,for some reason.



    (ZH)Today could bring the coup de grâce, when Joe Biden hosts a rare, solo press conference at 5:30 pm ET. UPDATE: The press conference has been moved to 6:30 ET. That's well outside the ideal 10am-to-4pm window in which administration sources say he's best able to function -- and it will be held on the South Grounds of the White House, with a forecast temperature of 91 degrees. As if that weren't enough to stack the deck against him, the presser will come after Biden has spent a full day in NATO summit meetings, including a session with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    On top of all that, Biden will face a press corps that's been re-programmed to accelerate the ongoing establishment coup that's seen as the last means of beating Trump in November. As we noted in our press-conference preview:

    "With Biden on a precipice, Thursday's press conference could be a contest among reporters striving to cement their place in history by being the one to give Biden the decisive shove over the cliff."

    GRA:This appears to be the second episode of M*U*S*H,live on your teevees.We'll see how well biden's doctors have prepared him for the heat and the questions.



    GRA:I saw this live.In a prelude to his presser,joe biden had a big buildup of an introduction for Ukraine's President Zelensky but then blew it by saying,"Here's President Putin."

    When no one applauded,biden turned around with his mouth agape and semi-quickly said,"I mean ZELENSKY,I was thinking of beating Putin."

    Zelensky moved up to shake hands and said,"I'm better."

    biden waddled to his right to let Zelensky speak.

    GRA:If this is any indicator...



    GRA:Two hours late.Where and why was he late?Here he is.He's reading a statement and slurring his words already.More later.



    GRA:The first question was asked:"How do you think Kamala Harris would do against Donald Trump?"

    He replied,"I chose Vice President Trump so she could go win against..."

    Then a tough question about the Putin/Zelensky misspeak.

    He tried to re-enact the scenario,but got lost at the end .


  9. There are enough "biden ups" occurring to wrap this up "I created 2,000 jobs last week."

    He meant 200,000 jobs last MONTH.



  10. Okay,here's a recap:A horrible first 15-20 minutes,he improved slightly from about 750 pm to 8:05.But he couldn't have done much worse and not have people come out and lead him off the stage.I'll be honest,biden didn't collapse completely.At one point,he forgot which reporter he was supposed to call on,so there were a few "instances" that I mentioned on other posts,a few coughs("a cold" again?),but there was an improvement after 7:50pm.


  11. And it's over.Not as bad as it could have been,not as good as democrats wanted.



    (ZH)Update (2032ET): That was rough. After introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as Vladimir Putin - then arriving to his own press conference more than 50 minutes late, a coughing, slurring Joe Biden then called Donald Trump his Vice President as he attempted to show the world what a 'goodest boy' can do.

    Biden then slurred his way through an answer on whether he thinks he should take another neurological exam.

    GRA:Right,the beginning was terrible.He improved somewhat,but only compared to the start. He would have had to have fallen back unconscious to have done worse.


  13. And even if he does serve what will be his mental state then after four more years?

    I think we all know.
