Saturday, June 01, 2024

Whom will the President be debating? Bergen Obama, or Charlie McBiden? (See a sneak preview at WEJB/NSU!)

[“The John Doe calling himself ‘Barack Obama’ has announced that he is the president of the United States, the prime minister of Israel, and that he is immediately imposing a ceasefire, on behalf of hummus, so that it and its allies may wipe out the Jews of Israel! (graphic).”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, june 1, 2024 at 11:17:00 p.m. edt

Does “Obama” DARE insinuate that Biden is behind any of this? Biden is the WORST Charlie McCarthy I’ve ever seen. Someone needs to put out a video of these two in that scenario.

Bergen Obama: Now Charlie McBiden, what do you have to say about the middle east?

McBiden (blank look on face, whispering): Uhh, mmm, if you don’t give me the words, I, uhh, don’t know, uhh, what to say.

Bergen Obama: Yes, I CAN do that, Charlie—now start moving your lips and blink your eyes once every 60 seconds.

Charlie McBiden: We need to stop the war...

Bergen Obama: CHARLIE! Did you just wet yourself—AND ME? I gotta tell ya, I go through more clothes trying to pull this scam off, week after week.

But it’s worth it, being able to be President 12 of the last 16 years.

[N.S.: Only 12?]

(W.C. Trump enters the stage)

“So who am I going to be debating—Bergen Obama or Charlie McBiden?”

(McBiden falls to the ground, in a puddle.)

Bergen Obama: Does that tell you anything?



  1. I doubt Biden makes any real decisions regard foreign affairs. Or most any other policy for that matter. Biden just reads a carefully worded script written for him after others make decisions that matter. Maybe Doctor Jill sits on in all meetings. "OH yes, this is what Joe would want."

  2. And Mortimer Snerd is who exactly in the Biden administration.
