Wednesday, June 12, 2024

“update” on San Francisco Tawana Brawley hate crime hoax

By N.S.

At the end of may, the San Francisco police department said in an “update” on the hate crime hoaxes staged by black Terry Williams that they had a “suspect.” However, they refused to name the “suspect.” If you say you have an “update” to make, but don’t make any new information public, you’re lying, because it’s not an update. Saying, ‘We have a suspect, but we refuse to tell you,’ is also dishonest. If you have a suspect, you have to name him. “Secret suspects” are for police states and crooked government agencies, which may well be lying altogether.

“SFpd: possible suspect identified in racist harassment, threats of black dog walker”

“investigators with the San Francisco police department confirmed thursday night that they have identified a possible suspect in the hate crimes committed against Terry Williams, the black dog walker who lived with his parents in a duplex in alamo square”

by Oscar Palma may 31, 2024, 10:42 a.m.

“that home has been uninhabitable since a fire broke out on May 21. it’s unclear if police believe the person is also a suspect in the fire, and the San Francisco fire department has yet to conclude that arson caused the fire.

“lt. Bassey Obot, who oversees hate crimes at SFpd, made the announcement at a thursday [may 30th] night community community [sic] meeting organized by district 5 supervisor Dean Preston. Obot said the police could not confirm anything else related to the investigation, as it is still ongoing.

“‘to date, we’ve served two search warrants and looked into one possible suspect,’ said Obot. ‘I don’t want to leak out any details or jeopardize it in a way that might assist the suspect in covering their tracks or anything like that.

[N.S.: If they’ve already “served two search warrants,” how could the “perp” not know the cops are after him?]


  1. The cops are probably waiting for the "in vitro" fertilization procedure to develop into a pregnancy and then an embryo,where nine months later,a White baby will be born.Eighteen years later,there's your "suspect"(unluckily for him)and a delayed arrest.Don't worry about timelines or insignificant details.By that time,Whites will be getting arrested for being born.


  2. I still say the colored man working as a dog walker was leaving piles of dog crap around all over the place and not cleaning it up.
