Friday, June 28, 2024

The Trump/bIDEN debate, covered exclusively for WEJB/NSU, by Grand Rapids Anonymous (Re-formatted)

thursday, june 27, 2024 at 9:17:00 p.m. edt

GRA: It took biden 10 minutes to lose track of what he was talking about. He stood there fumbling and finally gave up. It ended with biden saying, “We destroyed medicare.”

Trump said, “Yes, he’s right, he IS destroying medicare and social security, putting the illegals on those programs.”


thursday, june 27, 2024 at 9:35:00 p.m. edt

TRUMP/Biden Debate, Part 2

biden looks nuts, in my opinion. It is not a good night for him so far. Talking about immigration, biden is rasping and stuttering, and sounds like Daffy Duck.

Trump: “I don’t think he knows what he’s saying.”

Then Trump verbally massacred him about “immigrants killing our citizens. It’s the worst migrant crime in our history. I call it biden migrant crime.”

biden: “He’s lying.”

It got a little heated in this segment, for two guys in their late 70s and 80s.

russia and the ukraine:

Trump: “The whole world is blowing up with him.”

Biden: “A lot of malarky.”

Trump: “The war should have never happened. Stupid war.”

Biden: “Do you think uhh uhh he’s [Putin] going to stop there? He’s going to Poland.”


Trump/biden Debate, Part 3

thursday, june 27, 2024 at 9:50:00 p.m. edt

They argued about nato

biden's left eye looks strange as he looks at Trump. A new physical malady?

[N.S. Could it have been a “transient ischemic attack” [tia], a harbinger of a stroke? One expert I asked thought it could have been a seizure.]

January 6th

Trump makes the point that Pelosi and the mayor of D.C. turned down 10,000 troops.

biden hems and haws that Trump let it go on for three hours.

Trump said, “It was a peaceful protest; there’s innocent people in jail.”

biden: There’s a convicted felon right next to me.

Trump: “Joe may be a convicted felon soon after he leaves office. Joe is a criminal.”

Biden: “You molested a woman, had sex with a porn star—you’re like an alley cat.”

Trump was not flustered and denied sex with “the porn star.”

“He [biden] is trying to win by turning his dem prosecutors against me. It’s the only way he can win.”


N.S.: No; he can also win via ballot fraud.

Trump/Biden Debate, Part 4
thursday, june 27, 2024 at 10:11:00 p.m. edt


The usual arguments—nothing new. Trump said “racist things and defended nazis.”

“No, I didn’t.”


biden said he (biden) hasn’t done enough for blacks.

Trump said, “Inflation is killing blacks—HIS inflation. The millions coming over the border are taking black jobs.”

(GRA: blacks have no inflation—they steal what they want.)

Trump then said he "did great reform for blacks."


Biden is whispering and sputtering, he really hasn't stopped.

Trump said, "The migrants are killing this country. HE (biden) is destroying everything."

Biden: "I have not seen any indication of what he said."

Social Security

"He wants to cut Social Security,"said biden.

"What he says is a lie," responded Trump.

Trump is pounding biden on "illegals living in hotels and going on the government rolls."


Last part Trump/biden Debate:


Trump: "biden will raise everyone's taxes by letting my tax cuts expire in 2025."

biden: "His tariffs will cost Americans between 1200 and 2000 dollars a year."

Trump: "You're destroying our country."

Opioid Crisis

Trump: "Drugs are pouring over the border."

biden: "fentanyl deaths went down for a while." [Chuckle.]


Dana Bash asked the question: "you'll be 86 at the end of your term. should there be concern about your age?

biden: "Uhh, I uhh used to be the youngest, he's three years younger but more incompetent." He never answered the question about his own mental health.

Trump: "I'm in very good health. I feel the same as 25 years ago. I passed two cognitive tests."

Will You Accept the 2024 Result?

Trump: "I wish didn't have to run, but he's so bad at being president, I have to."

Trump didn't say yes, and went on to russia and the ukraine.

"If it's a fair election," he finally said.

biden: "We'll see what your numbers are after the election."

That's all, folks.I think Trump won big--especially the first 30 minutes.biden calmed down some later, but mostly to a draw the last 60 minutes. When Trump hammered biden on crime, immigration, murder, inflation and taxes, it was all Trump. Not much biden could say to defend any of those charges.



  1. The stampede is on.Many saying,"It's over--biden must withdraw--"but there's one fly in the ointment:July 13th.I believe if Trump is sentenced to prison time,the dynamics will turn against him.biden will wait until then to decide to pull out or not.


  2. Great summary! Thank you for watching so I didn't have to.

    The key line is was this insertion, unfortunately:
    "N.S.: No; he can also win via ballot fraud."

    Indeed. Fraud everywhere. The upcoming candidatectomy, slipping in a substitute that magically resets all the polls. Phantom voter registrations. Illegal aliens' voter registrations. Early voting. Mail-in madness, Late counting. The same corrupt structures still exist in AZ, WI, MI, PA, GA and more if they need them, regardless of all the damning revelations.

    And even if all of that is overcome, there's a RINOriffic Ryanesque Congress waiting to screw it all up again, House-boy Mike McBible and Some Senate Shill-to-be-named, Cornyn or Thune or whoever. So don't set yourself up for a crashing disappointment by going giddy over the recent polls or the inflation stats or Queen Jill forced to downsize to the beach castle.

  3. jerry pdx
    People with tds see it as a Biden victory, they wouldn't care if Biden was standing there in diapers held up by handlers and drooling, they'd still say he won. These are the same kind of people that voted for brain damaged Fetterman. They'll be happy if Biden dies in office, that means Kamala becomes President, and the thought of that gives them wet dreams.


    GRA:Scripps News was fully behind biden,pushing the narrative,that Trump is a liar and biden is a truthteller(hilarious).A clip from today's biden rally was supposed to make everyone say that last night was an anomaly.It was not.

    "I may not walk as well as I used to,I may not talk as well as I used to,I may not debate like I used to(what's left?),but I tell the TRUTH."(A lie right there.)

    Scripps and others like abc were already pulling back from last night's declaration that,"biden must go," and repeated the "Trump lies" mantra.

    I think messages are being sent to the judge in the Trump NY case to give Trump time in prison.If that doesn't happen,the odds increase of biden being dumped before the convention in August.


  5. “We destroyed medicare.”

    WE includes himself?
