Sunday, June 16, 2024

The progressive paradise of portland, oregon unveils its rogues gallery of mayoral candidates

By Jerry PDX
sunday, June 16, 2024 at 7:22:00 p.m. edt

The progressive paradise of portland, oregon unveils its rogues gallery of mayoral candidates:

There are others who have thrown their hat into the ring but these are the “serious” candidates. Check it out: 3 nex, 2 negroes, 1 stripper and a White guy (I’d never heard of) who currently serves on the board of word is bond, a nonprofit geared toward empowering young black men. Tells you all you need to know about him right there.

Gonzales, Rubio, and Mapps are the three highest-profile candidates and one of them will likely win.

Mapps is a blm loving racist who would love nothing better than to be the mayor of a city that is 85% White and screw us every which way he can. Gonzales shouldn’t really count as mex, he looks mighty White to me, probably spanish ancestry only. He’s the most conservative in his campaign rhetoric, so I’ll probably vote for him. Rubio ran as a republican but quickly turned rino and has done nothing but push the woke progressive agenda since getting on the council. I don’t 100% trust Gonzales; he might pull a Rubio when he gets elected to the top political post in the city and reveal himself to be a rino also, but with the selection they always give us, all you can do is swallow hard, vote for the least putrid candidate and hope for the best.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 8:14:00 p.m. edt

It should not be allowed, Jerry. In some way, portland should not be allowed to have those kinds of candidates. The people who are allowing 3 spics, two nigs and a traitorous White guy to be your only choices need to be removed. There HAVE to be PLENTY of regular folks who want to stop these anti-normal, anti-White minorities from perpetuating the insanity. As you say,85% of portland is White, so whatever/whoever is allowing these non-Whites to be your only choices is the problem.



  1. This is all good. Will only speed up the disintegration and destruction of Portland. Let the whole thing just go down the tubes. Level 9 earthquake the Cascadia Fault and the city gone anyhow. Too messed up to save.

  2. Well I live in a mainly White area not too far from Seattle--a few East Asians and LOTS of Indian immigrants--but very few blacks. But all 3 of our representatives (2 in the house and one state senator) in the state legislature are black democrats--obviously voted in by White leftists.

  3. jerry pdx
    I really don't know why we get so few conservative candidates, and the ones we do are usually fake ones anyways. Maybe the difficulty of getting elected discourages potential candidates, it's like "why go through the hassles of a campaign when you know Portland is dominated by woke voters" and you have no chance to win.

  4. The "machine" is who runs this stuff."They" choose who receives the party support.Without it,you don't get on the ballot without a tedious multi thousand write-in campaign,but then you need money for commercials.And they all like to push blacks,spics and women into office to continue the demolition of Portland and the U.S.

