Sunday, June 16, 2024

happy black father's day! (graphic heartbreak)

By An Old Friend
sunday, june 16, 2024 at 03:12:52 p.m. edt

Happy father's day!

From the rev. Ray Cistman: happy father’s day to all black fathers, wherever they are.

The photo in the lower right corner is a nice touch.


  1. Doesn't look anything like the woman holding each individual kid.Why do it then?


  2. jerry pdx
    Aren't babies always supposed to be cute? Maybe a couple of these are but most of them are just as repulsively ugly as they will be when they grow up.

  3. jerry pdx
    Newsweek ran an article on serial killers purportedly to tell us what makes a serial killer:

    Notice anything about the 8 they featured in the photo? Around half of all arrested serial killers in the US are black, in the last 15 yrs. or so around 75% of all arrested serial killers are black men, 3 out of 4 of the most prolific every in the US are black men (Lonnie Franklin jr., Eugene Coral Watts and Samuel Little) but the ones in the photo are all White, well, except for "White enough" Ramirez. Author of the article is Monica Sager, sounds like a woke White woman's name if I ever heard one.

    They're leaving out one of the most important qualities that increase the chance of a man being a serial killer: Being a negro.

  4. White wimmens breeding themselves out of existence. Just something about the colored dudes the whitey wimmens like. What could that be.

  5. So! Did daddy even show up. Or even make a phone call. Please tell us.

  6. That one wimmen in the lower right looks like she had a shiner. That is how the negro man indicates his lover for his wimmen.
