Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Erasure: "from the river to the sea," is not just about middle-eastern nazis; "nj high school cuts Jewish club from yearbook, replaces with pic of moslem students in 'blatant antisemitic' act"; perp (unwittingly?) confessed

By N.S.

"nj high school cuts Jewish club from yearbook, replaces with pic of moslem students in 'blatant antisemitic' act"

"east brunswick high school's yearbook erased the names and photos of a Jewish club and replaced them with moslem students."

“Brittany VanDyke, the faculty adviser for the yearbook, also sent a letter to her club members acknowledging the 'mistake not caught in editing and printed unintentionally.”

“'We know what happened, we know our truth and we are working hard to rectify this situation immediately,' VanDyke wrote.”

This was not an "error" or "mistake." Brittany VanDyke outed herself when she spoke of "our truth." She needs to be fired. There's only the truth. The young American arab nazis who have called, on American soil, for killing all the Jews of Israel, and who now seek to kill all Jews everywhere, are the children of Bush II.

When the Japs attacked us on December 7th, and Hitler declared war on us a few days later, FDR didn't call on Japs and Gerries to come HERE, by the hundreds of thousands. He closed the borders to them, and waged war on them.

Bush II did the opposite. When the moslem world waged war on us, he responded by inviting increased numbers of our moslem enemies to come here.

One of the most important lessons I learned from Larry Auster is that people who call themselves "republicans" or "conservatives" are in reality invariably liberals. P.T. Bauer once wrote that one of the characteristics of a liberal is to embrace his enemies.


  1. And there ARE enemies--millions of them--make no mistake about that.


  2. 'mistake not caught in editing and printed unintentionally.'

    100 % DELIBERTE and done with malicious intent. Gleefully done too. Like the bad guys on 7 October.
