Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Breaking news: Willie Mays, the Say-Hey Kid, dead at 93; he was the greatest player of his era

By N.S.

His most famous catch, in the ninth innng of Game 1 of the 1954 World Series against the Cleveland Indians (Vic Wertz)

Keith "Mex" Hernandez recalled having spent time with Mays on numerous occasions, and his saying that he was sure he had the ball, but wasn't sure how he was going to get it back to the infield. Announcers used to tell stories about Mays all the time, which I hadn't heard in years. One once told of what he thought was Mays' greatest catch. He'd misjudged a screaming line drive, and overran it. It was coming at his left (throwing) hand, and he had the choice of letting it go past him for an extra-base hit, or catching it with his bare hand. He speared it with his bare hand. Willie Mays Career Highlights

Willie Mays' legitimate and illegitimate stats.


  1. Great player,though I didn't see much of him growing up.He was basically washed up by the time I started following baseball in 1970--and that was mostly the American League.

    Also,no need for mlb to add 10 hits to his legitimate career hit total via his 1948 negro league totals.That was reported in his obit.

    You get up to 93,that's a pretty long life--if I do "say hey" so myself.


  2. Probably the best of all time. All around great player. Hit for average and power, speed on the bases, fielded his position. The total package as they say. Did it for many years too.
