Saturday, May 04, 2024

Whites in Louisiana split off from black-majority city

By Merlin
Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 11:29:19 PM EDT

Whites in Louisiana split off from black-majority city

Whites in the almost all black Baton Rouge just made a fast exit
and took their tax dollars with them and the blacks are fighting mad.

The COMMENTS are very interesting !!!
4 minutes
"since all the blm stuff started, blacks have said they are intimidated and made to feel inferior, due to having to be around white privilege. In many colleges and other places they have demanded segregated black only 'safe spaces' - and gotten them - which were paid for by Whites.
"this has included special black only events.
"baton rouge is a 'safe space for blacks' - and as with all black areas, crime of all types is out of control.
"almost all Whites in that area live segregated in their own community where they naturally keep crime very low - which is normal for e asians and Whites.
"recently the White area decided to incorporate so their tax money could be used to provide for themselves and not be siphoned to be given to support the blacks.
"the new town is called St George.
"the black leaders of [?] got upset at the huge loss of tax revenue that the Whites are now going to keep to use to meet their community needs, and sued to stop the incorporation of St George.  in other words, the blacks want their own areas with no Whites but only so long as they can make Whites use their taxes to support the blacks.
"scotus upheld the right of the Whites to segregate themselves and keep all their tax dollars to use for their needs.
"it would be neat to see White communities around the country incorporating and making it very clear that there will be no special programs paid for by the Whites for other races in their communities.
"blacks talk big, but just like in s africa, haiti, and other black countries, they know they have to have honest white or e asian leadership if they want even a glimpse of what e asians and Whites naturally create.
"it is time that Whites realized that blacks need Whites but White countries are much better without moslems, or any of the dark races."



  1. I keep reading this,but I need to see it,to believe it. What will they call this city--Utopia?


  2. I believe it's to be called St.George.Funny name,considering the floyd situation.I'd personally call it "heaven on earth".


  3. Unfortunately,as I did further digging,13% of the population will be allowed to be black(Reddit).It will NOT be a 100% White city,unless what I read was wrong(very possible.)


  4. Baton Blanc s'est séparé de Baton Noir.

  5. Golly, why would want to do that? Aren't we all brothers and sisters.
