Sunday, May 05, 2024

Video of a racist super-predator in action, committing a hate crime

Re-posted by N.S.

That howling sound you hear is one of Aquavis Hickman's racist fans in the classroom, probably the accessory filming his crime.


  1. Sounds like a guy,looks like a woman(the teacher does).


    If I had a moniker like that,I'd slap someone too--the ones who named me.

    Throw the book at him(assault and battery,good for a couple hours in jail.)


  2. Savage beast and ugly too. Flashing gang signs. A real dangerous person.

  3. jerry pdx
    The black accessories filming these assaults always make surprised sounds trying to sound like this kind of behavior is unexpected and shocking. No it's not, it's normal negro behavior and they know it.
