Sunday, May 26, 2024

ucla's die program is led by--surprise, surprise--yet another plagiarst who got a fraudulent doctorate (guess the race!)

By N.S.

"academic dishonesty at ucla"


  1. "There's a pattern here,"GRA said with tongue in cheek.Who's HIRING these people is possibly a more important question--and shouldn't those lousy decision-makers be fired along with the DEIsts?




    (ZH)New York City Mayor eric adams' administration has been coordinating with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to circumvent the city's strict sanctuary city laws, which the agency says has hamstrung their efforts to perform their duties, the NY Post reports.

    Ken Genalo, the Brooklyn-born field director for the agency’s New York office, has for months been pushing back against city policies that bar local authorities from cooperating with his 360-person staff.

    After years of what he describes as hostile treatment from the administration of former Mayor bill de blasio — Genalo said the agency was kicked “away from the table” — he seems to have met a more willing partner in Mayor eric adams.

    "I’ve been working with the mayor’s office, I have had dialogue with them," said ICE's Genalo. "I give them kudos — the prior administration under Mr. de blasio … there was no dialogue at all.

    "With Mayor adams’ office, we’ve had numerous dialogues," he continued. "At least we’re back at the table and speaking with one another again."

    The City Council told the Post on Sunday that the two sides are discussing how to possibly amend sanctuary city laws that prevent coordination between local and federal law enforcement.

    "The law went from, ‘We will welcome undocumented immigrants,’ to ‘We will protect violent criminals’ under de blasio — as progressive ideology went from compassion for the poor to cuckoo for cocoa puffs," said one council source.

    Genalo, a decades-long ICE veteran, says he's made progress with city officials, but wishes that it would "come faster."

    "But at least I can say there has been progress," he continued.

    GRA:In the same way,after 3 plus years of allowing tens of millions of mex to invade the border,House and Senate democrats have been trying to a pass a bill,that they say,will cut down on illegals(it won't--that's another lie).Trying to appear tougher after doing nothing should be an insult to voter's intelligence.adams is starting a little earlier on his quest to rearrange his record ahead of the 2025 election..

    Lousy nig politician.

    In the national bill,5,000 wetbacks would be allowed in--free and clear--everyday.After that,some type of tightening could occur on the rest.

    That's still over a million more pedros a year--every year--coming in with government blessing.


  3. All these professors and administrators are being systematically scanned for being copycats. All a result too of provoking or organizing pro Hamas riots and demonstrations. I think this Bill Ackman is doing this.

    Computer search engines make this all do-able.


    GRA:In the early 70s,UCLA's basketball team was on television a lot,winning championship after championship and rarely losing a game.Bill Walton was a huge reason why,from 1972-1974,that pattern occurred.UCLA went 60-0 over the 72-73 seasons under John Wooden.

    After college,Walton was drafted in Jerry PDX's hometown.

    The nba was NOT on television in the 70s,ONE TENTH as much as it is now and Walton,finding himself in Portland(not a mecca of visibility),was visible only in the playoffs.

    In 1976-1977,Coach Jack Ramsey with a fairly healthy(for him)Walton at center,the Trailblazers knocked off Dr.J and the 76ers in 6 games for the title.

    The next several years became an exercise in rehabilitation of his feet and ankles,constantly injured,multiple comebacks and multiple setbacks due to reinjury.

    Eventually,he found a surgeon who fixed his tootsies and in 1985 was traded to the great Boston Celtic team of that era,with Bird,McHale and Parish.Walton won the 6th man award and Boston,the title.

    After one more year with the Celtics,Walton retired and soon started a long and mostly successful career as a broadcaster.

    From what I read about Walton,he protested against the Vietnam War and the FBI.He was considered a radical.If we protested today about what the FBI(or the federal government in general)does in 2024,what would that make US?

    Prostate cancer did him in--strange,considering a veggie diet is supposed to prevent cancer.

    Which proves,nothing is a "slam dunk" in life.

