Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The King cult: How do you distinguish any more between republicans and communists? goper lawyer sings hosannas to MLK, while condemning J. Edgar Hoover

wednesday, may 22, 2024 at 05:25:42 p.m. edt

“Morehouse revised”
By Scott Johnson
powerline blog

[N.S.: The title refers to a version of fake president/real gangster Joe Biden’s Morehouse commencement speech that Scott Johnson wrote and posted.]

Scott Johnson: He was not a perfect man. He was a flawed man. And yet he was a great man. Despite his flaws, he somehow had the strength of character to bear what must have felt like the weight of the world on his shoulders.


“[King] was not a perfect man. He was a flawed man. And yet he was a great man. Despite his flaws, he somehow had the strength of character to bear what must have felt like the weight of the world on his shoulders.”

No, I don't think he was a great man. His flaws were stark, and his leadership really didn’t involve principle except when the principle was useful to him. Ultimately he was just a race man, a by-any-means-necessary man, as long as it benefitted blacks. That was the only criterion.

And the familiar quote about “content of character” is bloviation when you think about it. Content of character?? How about just character?

N.S.: I just attempted to post the following comments.


“When MLK taught at Morehouse, his syllabus included Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and other great thinkers of the West. It’s hard to find many colleges these days where these are standard reads.”

Nicholas Stix to John 24 minutes ago

How could he teach those guys, when he’d never read them?!

He was not a perfect rapist. And yet, he was a great rapist.

He was not a perfect plagiarist. And yet, he was a great plagiarist.

He was not a perfect thief. And yet, he was a great thief.

He was not a perfect racist. And yet, he was a great racist.

He was not a perfect communist collaborator. And yet, he was a great communist collaborator.

If J. Edgar Hoover was the bad guy, and Michael King Jr. was the good guy, is Scott Johnson telling us that the communists were his heroes? (I didn’t attempt to post that!)


  1. I've never heard of a Scott Johnson.Now I know why.


  2. KKKing said he had studied communism but said because the communists created a worse situation than had previously existed communism was not a suitable solution to the PLIGHT of the American negro. The PLIGHT!
